Fair's Fair

This article is 18 years old


Published on 9 January 2007
Archived on 9 February 2007

Stratford-on-Avon District Council is throwing its support towards Stratford becoming an official Fairtrade Town.  Staff and visitors to the District Council offices are now served, where possible, Fairtrade tea, coffee, sugar and drinking chocolate at meetings and in the vending machines.  

A local steering group has been formed in Stratford-upon-Avon with representatives from local churches and charities, the private sector and support from Stratford-on-Avon District Council.  The steering group has identified a number of retail and catering outlets selling Fairtrade products, as well as local guest houses, and are currently producing a directory listing those outlets.  

The award of Fairtrade Town status is now within touching distance with the passing of the Resolution of Support by Stratford-upon-Avon District Council. Backing from other community organisations continues to grow apace, many of whom are displaying a specially designed poster in their shop or office window declaring their support for the campaign.  

"I welcome this opportunity for the District Council to support a global initiative which will make a difference to the lives of many small producers in developing nations," says Councillor Gillian Roache, Revenues & Housing Portfolio.  

Along with changing people's shopping habits, education and awareness raising are also key components of the campaign, and working with local schools and youth groups is underway, grappling with the issues related to international trade rules.   

Steering Group Co-coordinator, Chris Spriggs, comments: "The campaign has grown very quickly in the town over the past few months, revealing the extent to which local people really want to make positive and informed choices when it comes to what they buy. Stratford becoming an official Fairtrade Town will be a landmark moment, beneficial for the local community, as well as the 800,000 growers and farmers across the 58 developing countries that the Fairtrade Labelling Organisation partners with. The whole-hearted support from the District Council is a tremendous step forward on this journey."  

For all the latest news and information on availability of Fairtrade produce locally, visit the campaign website: http://www.stratfordfairtradetown.org.uk/

The Fairtrade Foundation is a registered charity and a registered company, established in 1992 as the UK member of Fairtrade Labelling Organisations (FLO). FLO unites 20 national initiatives in Europe, Japan, North America, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand. There are five guarantees behind the Fairtrade mark, which the Foundation awards to products meeting internationally recognized standards:  

  • Farmers get a fair and stable price for their products;
  • Farmers and estate workers are guaranteed extra income to improve their lives;  
  • Greater respect for the environment; 
  • Small farmers are guaranteed a stronger position in world markets; and     
  • Closer links between consumers and producers.  

There is a limited but growing list of Fairtrade products including beverages, sugar, honey, chocolate, cereals, fruit, nuts, preserves, cooking oils, clothing, wine and flowers. UK retail sales in 2004 reached £140 million, making it the largest outlet in the 20 FLO nations.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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