Conservatives increase majority

This article is 18 years old


Published on 4 May 2007
Archived on 4 June 2007

Stratford-on-Avon District Council resumed the District Election count this morning, Friday 4 May at 10am after the count was suspended in the early hours of Friday.  

Conservatives increased their majority of Stratford-on-Avon District Council following yesterday's local elections, with five seats gained.  

Eighteen of the council's 53 seats were up for election (one of which was uncontested), with the final results giving the Conservatives a total of 37 seats, the Liberal Democrats 14 seats, and the Independents 2 seats.  

The Stratford District count was suspended due to the length of time the count was taking by using the electronic counting system.   

The following morning the count resumed with a manual count.  

"This has been a steep learning curve, which is what pilots are all about," says Paul Lankester, Returning Officer.  

"I made the decision to suspend the count in the early hours in conjunction with requests from party agents, as I was concerned about the amount of time the adjudication process was taking.  

"Our partners Warwick District also took the same decision and resumed counting at 1pm today.  

"As part of the pilot we were counting two of Warwick's wards and vice versa.  We were able to declare Lapworth and Leek Wootton wards for Warwick District last night.  However as they were unable to start their count until this afternoon we arranged to have the ballot papers from Fenny Compton and Southam sent to Stratford for counting and the Parishes."  

The following candidates have been elected to stand for the wards stated below:
Mike Gerrard (Lab) - 74
Ronald Mole (UKIP) - 108
Eric Payne (Cons) - 1214 elected
Karyl Rees (Lib Dem) - 629
43.6% Turnout  

Valerie Hobbs (Cons) - 459 elected
John Insoll (Lib Dem) - 170
Michael Sharpe (UKIP) - 108
42.2 % Turnout  

Bidford & Salford
Alec Brown (Lab) - 155
Melanie Holland (Lib Dem) - 738
*Brian Slaughter (Cons) - 1028 elected
Karen Varga (Green) - 108
38.2% Turnout  

Fenny Compton
Nesta Commander (Lib Dem) - 277
*Christopher Williams (Cons) - 642 elected
48.9% Turnout  

Peter Barton (Cons) - 921 elected
Christopher Moir (Lib Dem) - 709
43.4% Turnout  

Jacqueline Abbott (Lab) - 116
*Laurence Marshall (Cons) - 1252 elected
Brett Parsons (UKIP) - 134
Rosemary Ratcliffe (Lib Dem) - 126
46.2% Turnout  

*Louise Giblin (Lib Dem) - 631
Christopher Mills (Cons) - 913 elected
46% Turnout  

Shipston Clive Faulkner (Cons) - 901
Ann Grosvenor (Lab) - 83
*Bob White (Lib Dem) - 952 elected
49.3% Turnout  

Ian Fradgley (Lib Dem) - 187
James Taylor (Lab) - 555
David Wise (Cons) - 975 elected
34.6% Turnout  

Stockton and Napton
Nigel Rock (Lib Dem) elected  

Stratford Alveston
Ralph Berry (UKIP) - 190
John Mullings (Green) - 115
Kate Rolfe (Lib Dem) -  935
*Vincent Seaman (Cons) - 1172 elected
46.6% Turnout  

Stratford Avenue & New Town
Alison Gardner (Cons) - 899 elected
*Keith Lloyd (Ind) - 867
Karen Parnell (Lab) - 140
Ron Tredwell (Lib Dem) - 407  
43% Turnout  

Stratford Guild & Hathaway
Neville Beamer (Cons) - 1272 elected
Hugh Chatwin (Green) - 150
Harry Cottam (UKIP) - 124
George Hathaway (Lab) - 194
*Clive Thomas (Lib Dem) - 783
44.4% Turnout  

Stratford Mount Pleasant
John Brain (Cons) - 310
*Peter Moorse (Lib Dem) - 910 elected
David Talbot (Lab) - 116
40.4% Turnout  

*Anthony Cronin (Lib Dem) - 809
Jeffrey Kenner (Lab) - 140
Michael Weddell (Cons) - 893 elected
40.6% Turnout  

*Christopher Saint (Cons) - 665 elected
Philip Vial (Lib Dem) - 239
47.6% Turnout  

*Peter Barnes (Lib Dem) - 584 elected
David Cox (Cons) - 486
64.3% Turnout  

Martin Allan (Cons) - 980
*David Close (Lib Dem) - 1196 elected
Roger Fisher (Green) - 106
43.5% Turnout  

Councillors who were fighting for their seats are marked with a *.      

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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