Residents put Stratford District Council in the top ten

This article is 18 years old


Published on 12 June 2007
Archived on 12 July 2007

Resident's satisfaction of street cleaning and waste collection in Stratford District is among the best in the country according to the latest national survey.  

Results recently published by the Audit Commission, puts Stratford-on-Avon District Council's street cleaning and waste collection in the top ten districts in the country.  

Scores for street cleaning was 79% making it 8th out of 238 councils and waste collection scoring high with 90% making 10th.  

"We are delighted with these results and it is a credit to our partnership working between our contractors Verdant and Biffa Waste Services," says Councillor Simon Jackson, Environment Portfolio Holder.  

"The District Council continues to perform well in these service areas and we are very proud to be one of the best in the country for these very visual services.  I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to complete the survey form."  

The results came from a survey carried out by every council in the country to a prescribed methodology and questionnaire.  In Stratford District almost 4,000 residents received questionnaires and 1,809 replied.  

In addition the Council's other scores were - 55% for overall satisfaction an increase of 1% from 2003, 39% for complaint handling a rise of 7%, 82% for parks and open spaces a rise of  6% and 62% for sports and leisure facilities a rise of 9%.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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