Recovery begins in Stratford District

This article is 18 years old


Published on 23 July 2007
Archived on 23 August 2007

Following the severe weather conditions of the last couple of days and high amount of rainfall phase two of the emergency plan begins with the recovery operation.  

"We sympathise with the circumstances many people find themselves in and the emergency services together with local authorities are working to help bring communities' and individual householder's lives back to normal," says Paul Lankester, Chief Executive of Stratford-on-Avon District Council.  

"We are now moving to the preparations for the recovery stage of this emergency, and we have a targeted operational plan to help bring this back to normal.  This moves into effect today.  This will initially focus on health aspects, as well as trying to ensure people who have been evacuated from their homes or unable to get to their home can move back and start to arrange any aspects of the clean up from their point of view."  

Some tips during the recovery operation:

  • Do not enter your home until it has been confirmed if it is safe to do so.  Your home cannot be pumped out until the land and highway drainage system is able to drain away water.
  • If you are worried about whether your home has been contaminated by sewage please contact Stratford District Council's Flooding Hotline on 01789 260380/1.
  • Contact your insurance company to find out if there are any procedures you have to follow for a claim - do not dispose of anything until you have been told you can do so by your insurer.
  • If furniture and other household goods have been soiled or damaged beyond repair, please contact the Stratford District Council Hotline on 01789 260380/1 to arrange a special collection at no charge.  This should only be done after Insurers have confirmed this is an appropriate course of action.

The District Council's flooding hotline will remain open during normal office hours until further notice.

District Council refuse collections will continue as far as possible as normal. 

For up to date information please see the Stratford District Council website on

Further information is available from Warwickshire County CouncilThe Environment Agency , the Health Protection Agency and The Association of British Insurers.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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