Moving Pictures

This article is 18 years old


Published on 4 October 2007
Archived on 4 November 2007

Stratford-on-Avon District Council will launch its Rural Cinema Project, Moving Pictures, on Monday 8 October at Stratford Town Hall from 6pm. 

The scheme is jointly supported by the District Council, Warwickshire County Council and Screen West Midlands and aims to bring an enjoyable cinematic experience to the local community.  

The idea is to provide the District with a touring cinema facility that can run in village halls and community centres across the District.  

Community venues signing up to the scheme will be able to hire the equipment and hold regular cinema screenings.  There will be a small administration fee, but communities can set their own ticket prices enabling them to use the cinema screenings as a social or fundraising event.  

At the launch event 'The Maltese Falcon', staring Humphrey Bogart and Mary Astor will be shown.  

"I believe that the District Council's Moving Pictures will make a significant contribution to the quality of life for rural communities.  It will also provide a number of serious practical benefits such as providing support for rural community venues, helping reduce carbon emissions by reducing car journeys and making a significant contribution to a settlement's social life that will help to reduce social isolation," says Councillor Chris Williams Community Services Portfolio Holder.  

The equipment and DVD will tour round the District screening films on a monthly rota. 

If you would like further information about the Rural Cinema Project or would like to book the equipment please contact Lana Long, Rural Cinema Facilitator at the District Council on 01789 260609.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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