Parking - Firmer and Fairer for Stratford District

This article is 17 years old


Published on 13 March 2008
Archived on 13 April 2008

On 31 March 2008 new parking rules, affecting the Stratford District, will come into force aiming to make parking fairer, while still tackling congestion and disruption on the roads.  

Sweeping changes are planned 'to make parking enforcement more motorist-friendly' as the Department of Transport reviewed parking legislation and introduce the changes within the Traffic Management Act 2004.  

The current system of Decriminalised Parking Enforcement (DPE) will become Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) and Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Parking Attendants will be called Civil Enforcement Officers (CEO).  

Changes to the regulations will enable Stratford District Council to enforce the contravention of double parking (vehicles being parked more than 50cm from the kerb) and parking at dropped footways.  There are also new powers to issue Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) to vehicles parked on zigzag lines on the approach to pedestrian crossings.  The Act also allows for PCNs to be served by post, if a vehicle has driven away once the Notice has been started to be issued and where an officer has been prevented from serving a PCN.  

Differential charging is also introduced with different penalty levels depending on the type of parking contravention.  More serious contraventions such as parking on a single or double yellow lines will have a higher charge of £70 applied and less serious contraventions such as overstaying your car park time. Will have a lesser charge of £50.  

"Everyone hates congestion and delays to journeys and effective parking management and enforcement is there to help improve traffic flow and ensure the roads are safer for everyone.  These new regulations are good news for everyone, such as the lower penalty charges for less serious contraventions will make the system fairer for the motorist," says Cllr Chris Williams, Community Services Portfolio.

Information is also available on the Council's website.

For further information visit the Department of Transport.

Click here for further information on the Traffic Management Act 2004.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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