Parking firmer and fairer

This article is 17 years old


Published on 9 April 2008
Archived on 9 May 2008

Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 implemented - what it means to Warwickshire's drivers.  

The latest changes to come into place following the Traffic Management Act of 2004 have been implemented.  

All local authorities are required by law to adopt the provisions of the act from March 31.  This will see a two tier system of penalties introduced where less serious contraventions are given lesser fines of £50 but more serious contraventions receive slightly stiffer sanctions of £70.  This will replace the current penalty level of £60 which covers all contraventions irrespective of severity.  

Various changes to the current system will come into place in April.  Decriminalised Parking Enforcement will be superceded by Civil Parking Enforcement, an existing permitted parking area will become a civil enforcement area and a special enforcement area will be used for certain contraventions.  Parking attendants will be known as civil enforcement officers and will be able to serve penalty charge notices by post if they are unable to affix it to a vehicle or hand it to the driver.  

The list of traffic contraventions that local authorities will enforce will be extended to tie in with what is practised in London.  The first tier, which will incur penalties of £50, will comprise overstaying in areas where parking is permitted.  More serious infringements such as double parking, parking on zigzag markings at a pedestrian crossing or on double yellow lines will incur the greater penalty of £70.  Both penalties will be reduced by 50% if paid within 14 days.  

The county council's enforcement partner will be Stratford-on-Avon District Council.  

Communication will be an integral part of the changes.  Signs and road markings will be managed to ensure clarity for the motorist.  Ongoing consultation with stakeholders will take account of views on whether parking policies apply at the right place and time.  Annual reports of the scheme including full disclosure of financial returns will also be published.  

Councillor Martin Heatley, portfolio holder for the environment with Warwickshire County Council said:  "This scheme is in line with government policy and is a statutory requirement for all local authorities.  It is not intended as a revenue raising initiative but rather to convey the message to drivers that we are looking for 100% compliance with the regulations.  I think it is fair that drivers committing less serious contraventions, such as those overstaying at pay and display spaces, are facing lesser penalties whilst stiffer penalties have been introduced for the kind of infringements that are deliberately disregarding the parking regulations.  

"If we are to deliver our transport strategies and objectives in the local transport plan, we need the public to work with us.  We are striving to make town centres, and areas that are currently heavily used by cars, safer for driver and pedestrian with greatly reduced congestion, leading to improved environmental sustainability of our towns.  If we are to achieve this, we need to ensure that parking is managed. This is an important step in doing so."  

Yvette Saunders, parking and CCTV manager at Stratford-on-Avon District Council, said:   "Everyone hates congestion and delays to journeys and effective parking management and enforcement is there to help improve traffic flow and ensure the roads are safer for everyone.  These new regulations are good news for everyone, such as the lower penalty charges for less serious contraventions will make the system fairer for the motorist."  

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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