Bulldog Bash to go ahead

This article is 17 years old


Published on 15 May 2008
Archived on 15 June 2008

Members of Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Liquor Licensing & Gambling Panels have spend the last 2 days (14 & 15 May) considering the application for a Premises License for the Annual Bulldog Bash, motorcycling event at Long Marston Raceway in Warwickshire.  

The Bulldog Bash scheduled for 7 August to 10 August 2008 will go ahead.  

The panel has recommended that the Premises Licence be granted with the following conditions:  

  • conditions as per the proposed operating schedule including the usual mandatory provisions;
  • extra conditions agreed with the Fire Authority, Environmental Health Department and Social Services;
  • plus the four extra conditions offered by the Applicant today these being:
  1. That the camping area be segregated by means of security fencing from the entertainment area;
  2. Notices to be placed at the entrances to the camping and entertainments areas that random searches may be made;
  3. Random searches will be undertaken at the camping and entertainment areas and security staff will be provided, at these areas with metal detector wands and
  4. At all times and when members of the public are present there will be a minimum number of 3 security staff SIA registered present at each of the entrances to the site and also the entrances to the camping and entertainment areas.  

The application is for a Premises Licence for the event this year running from 7 August to 10 August and the following 9 years up to and including 2018.  

The Bulldog Bash is an annual motorcycle event held at the Shakespeare County Raceway, Long Marston for the last 21 years.  

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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