Better Welcome for Southam

This article is 17 years old


Published on 16 October 2008
Archived on 16 November 2008

Southam is one of 3 local market towns in the Stratford District that have received a share in £1 Million as part of the "Better Welcome" campaign to encourage tourism.

In order to secure the award a community based group supported by Stratford-on-Avon District Council carried out a Visitor Survey in Southam. The £25,000 subsequently awarded to the Southam Better Welcome Group will provide information on history, health and fitness options in the town for tourists and visitors with the use of traditional-style signage and interpretive panels on heritage buildings.

State of the art technology is being used to create a digital information point as well as a walking trail around the town, based around 7 benches created locally celebrating the 7 World Darts Championship winning years of Southam's "Golden Girl", Trina Gulliver.

"Encouraging businesses in Southam to grow by increasing the town's appeal through better signage and local information, and also the celebration of excellent local achievement, is something the District Council is whole-heartedly supporting," says Councillor Chris Williams, Portfolio Holder for Community Services.

"These projects will open up the whole town to visitors so they can enjoy the history, facilities and beautiful countryside of this tranquil market town."

Phil Roberts, partnerships director at Advantage West Midlands, said: "Developing and investing in our market towns is absolutely essential for the development of our region. Market towns are vital hubs and provide crucial services for the communities they serve.
"The Better Welcome programme is assisting many towns by making their tourism offer even better, perhaps by uncovering 'hidden gems' that tourists might not otherwise find. It's also encouraging local people and interest groups to play an active role in the future success and prosperity of their town."

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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