Views sought on the area

This article is 17 years old


Published on 1 October 2008
Archived on 1 November 2008

Stratford-on-Avon District Council is taking part in a nationwide survey to find out the views of residents regarding public services.  
Questionnaires have been sent to a random sample of 4,000 households across the District, with the subjects including quality of life, local public services, local decision-making, volunteering, and community safety.  

"With every Council in the country taking part in this survey, the results will allow us to compare ourselves to other similar areas and use the data to improve our services and, with our partners, better develop public services shaped around the needs of individuals," said Cllr Mike Weddell, the District Council's Portfolio Holder for Change and Performance.  

"We need to know your views on what it is like to live in your area, so we can be certain that the public agencies are dealing with the issues that concern you and matter most".  

"Whilst we already carry out public consultation, the key difference with this survey is that the questionnaires are being sent to random addresses across the whole area instead of a specific group or audience".  

"I would like to urge every resident who receives one of these questionnaires to please fill it in as honestly as you can and return it to us".  

The answers will remain confidential, although the actual results will be sent to the Government to provide a means of benchmarking public opinion and studying national patterns.

Notes to the Editor:
The survey takes the form of an introductory letter from district council chief executive Paul Lankester and county council chief executive Jim Graham, attached to a 12 page questionnaire with a reply paid envelope for its return.  
Recipients have until 22 October to complete and return their questionnaires, although reminders will be sent to encourage completion by the final deadline of 19 December, with the initial analysis of the results ready by February 2009.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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