Published on 17 October 2008
Archived on 17 November 2008
Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Liquor Licensing Panel met on Tuesday 14 October to review the Premises Licence for The Nags Head in Studley.
Following the review the District Council's licensing panel of elected members have suspended the Premises Licence for The Nags Head on the Redditch Road in Studley, for three months.
Additionally the Designated Premises Supervisor was removed, and 13 conditions placed on the licence.
The review had been called for by the District Council's Environmental Health Officer following persistent complaints of people and music noise from the premises and was supported by the Police and local residents.
The owners of the premises have 21 days to appeal this decision before the suspension comes into force.
List of conditions:
o All regulated entertainment relying on amplification must be provided through a noise limiter that is installed, set up and maintained to the satisfaction of the District Council's Environmental Health Officer.
o Supply of alcohol for consumption indoors only after 11pm.
o All doors and windows are to be closed at 11pm except egress (exit) and entry from the front door only to reduce the risk of nuisance at the premises.
o No off sales after 11pm.
o No open vessels to be removed from the premises (on or off sales).
o CCTV to be installed that conforms to British Standards that offers continuous recording on each camera and covers all areas at the premises to include the patio area and all recording to be stored for a period of 30 days.
o Door staff to be retained Friday and Saturday night and SIA registered.
o Door staff to be employed any other days when regulated entertainment is provided.
o Signs to be erected at the entrance/exit door requesting patrons to leave quietly to respect the residential area.
o No one to be admitted/readmitted to the premises after 11pm.
o Sale of alcohol for consumption indoors only after 11pm.
o Signs to be erected at the entrance/exit doors and the patio smoking area requesting patrons to leave quietly to respect the residential area.
o Door staff (when on duty) to advise customers to leave quietly.
These are imposed for the following licensing objectives - Prevention of Crime and Disorder, Prevention of Public Nuisance and Public Safety.
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575
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