Published on 5 November 2008
Archived on 5 December 2008
Residents in the Stratford District are being invited to attend their local Community Forum meeting where they have the opportunity to raise neighbourhood issues with County, District and Parish Councillors, local police and other local organisations.
Members of the public can make a difference to their community by having their say on the issues that matter most to them with relevant agencies and then discuss possible solutions. Because Community Forums are supported by many different agencies, that are also present at the meetings, they are an efficient and effective way of problem solving.
Community Forums replace existing Partners and Communities Together (PACT) meeting arrangements across the district.
A local surgery take places before the main meeting which provides people with the chance to raise specific issues with a police officer or council representative.
Community Forums take place around the district this month and each one welcomes anyone with an interest in the local areas to come along and share their views and concerns.
Topics for discussion will include Safer Neighbourhood Policing and Youth Issues (Wellesbourne & Kineton Forum).
Alcester/Bidford - Tuesday 18th November - The Greig Hall, Kinwarton Road, Alcester at 6pm (local surgery starts at 5pm) - Healthy Communities
Southam/Feldon - Tuesday 18th November - Southam College, Welsh Road West, Southam at 7pm (local surgery starts at 6pm)
Wellesbourne/Kineton - Thursday 20th November - Kineton High School, Banbury Road at 7pm (local surgery starts at
Henley/Studley - Wednesday 26th November - Henley Primary School, Arden Road at 7.30pm (local surgery starts at 6.30pm)
Shipston/Stour - Tuesday 2nd December - Three Parishes Millenium Hall, Preston-on-Stour 7pm (local surgery starts at 6pm)
Stratford - Wednesday 3rd December - Ken Kennett Centre, Justins Avenue at 6pm (local surgery starts at 5pm)
For more information please visit the website at
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575
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