Update for parents: Measles in Warwickshire

This article is 17 years old


Published on 5 December 2008
Archived on 5 January 2009

An increasing number of children and adults have been diagnosed with measles, particularly in the Stratford and Warwick districts.

This November we have been notified of 55 suspected cases of measles. This compares to only 3 notifications in November last year. The majority of the current cases are in children.

Measles is a highly infectious disease and can lead to serious complications. We are concerned about the upsurge in suspected cases and wish to prevent further cases so would encourage all parents to protect their child with two doses of the MMR vaccine.

MMR immunisation is the safest way parents and carers can protect children against measles, mumps and rubella. These diseases can have serious consequences for babies, young children and their families. All children need to receive two doses of MMR before they start school. 

The first dose is usually given at 13 months of age and second dose just before children start school (from 3 years and 4 months onwards). Children in this age group are usually routinely invited for immunisation by their GPs practice.

If your child has reached 13 months of age, he/she should have received their first dose of MMR. If your child has reached school-age, he/she should have had their second dose of MMR, as shown below:

If your child is 13 months to 4 years is 4 years and over has missed either MMR He/she should have received 1 dose of MMR. He/she should have received 2 doses of MMR Please, contact your local GP and make sure he/she has it as soon as possible.

If you have any concerns, please speak to your GP or practice nurse.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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