Potential 60p a month increase in Council Tax

This article is 16 years old


Published on 13 January 2009
Archived on 13 February 2009

Yesterday, 12 January, Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Cabinet agreed to recommend a budget for consultation that includes an increase of 4.9% in Stratford District Councils portion of the Council Tax for 2009/2010. 

Like most of the national and local economy, the District Council is facing some tough decisions as it prepares next years budget.

"In order to balance the books, we have to find savings of over £2million.  The current economic landscape has radically changed and the public sector is not immune to the current economic problems with investment income down, rental income down, parking and planning income has reduced and the level of Government grant less than inflation.  All of these reductions place extra financial burden on the District Council," says Councillor Les Topham, Leader of Stratford-on-Avon District Council.

"The proposals the Cabinet are making, we believe to be prudent given the scale of the issue, and are not what we would be suggesting in normal circumstances, but these are not normal times.

"Our District element of the Council Tax is currently the lowest in Warwickshire and well below the national average with only 21 other Councils lower than us.  This proposed Council Tax increase equates to 60p a month on an average Band D property.

"These are tough times with even tougher decisions to be made and I trust the public understand the gravity of the situation."

This proposed budget is now out for public consultation and a questionnaire will be available to the public on the District Councils website from next Monday 19 January until Monday 1 February. 

A final decision on the level of Council Tax for 2009/10 will be made by the Council on 23 February 2009.

For every 1% increase in Council Tax this generates approximately £66,000 income for the District Council.

Council Tax is paid over a 10month period (April to January).

This is what other Districts in the county charged during 2008/09:
Nuneaton & Bedworth £197.04
North Warwickshire £200.47
Rugby £182.80
Warwick  £138.03
Stratford £123.12

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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