Free Qualifications for Stratford Taxi Drivers

This article is 16 years old


Published on 20 February 2009
Archived on 20 March 2009

Free BTEC and NVQ qualifications available through Stratford-on-Avon District Council have proved very popular with Stratford District taxi drivers.

The course, designed specifically for their industry under the Train to gain government initiative covers:

  • Customer services
  • Equal opportunities
  • Disability awareness
  • Health and safety
  • Taxi and private hire legislation

The course is designed to assist the drivers in protecting themselves and covers conflict resolution, communications skills and risk assessments, leading to an improved service to the public, say Omar Ali and John Lafferty providing the training, both ex-police officers with backgrounds in the taxi industry as well as the Trade Union education field.

The ability to provide free training is an important service provided by the Council, especially in such varied fields, says Councillor Simon Jackson, Portfolio Holder for Environment,

A taxi driver is faced with a wide range of situations each day, and the District Council supports and encourages those in the industry to enhance the use of these skills.

The 12 week course, provided by Mathieson Training, began on 5 January and currently the first group of 21 of the District Councils licensed taxi drivers are undertaking the training currently held at the Crown Inn, Tiddington.

An award ceremony and presentation evening will be held in April for the successful candidates.

Thanks to the courses popularity, the organisers are already taking names for the next course, due to start in April. For further information, please contact Mathieson Training on
tel: 01384 820962   mob: 07968 358922.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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