Free swimming hits Stratford District

This article is 16 years old


Published on 9 March 2009
Archived on 9 April 2009

Swimming is an excellent form of exercise and from 1st April this year it will be free to anyone aged 60 and over. 

These people will be able to enjoy free swimming in all four of Stratford-on-Avon District Councils pools during the published swim for all sessions making almost 216 hours of swimming available a week.

The free swimming initiative is part of a national campaign to promote swimming, general fitness, more active lifestyles and well-being. The initiative is being promoted by the District Council in partnership with Sport and Leisure Management Ltd (SLM) who manage the leisure centres on behalf of the council.

Councillor Chris Williams says: Swimming is an excellent sport for all-round fitness and well-being. Offering free swimming is a real measure of our commitment to making a real difference to peoples lives. Our ambitious swimming strategy has paved the way for first-class swimming opportunities in the area and we are now well placed to deliver this free swimming initiative.

To take up the free swim offer, everyone in the target age group must have a valid Everyone Active activity card. The cards are free and are available from the four District Councils leisure centres in Stratford, Shipston, Studley and Southam. To get your free Everyone Active card either register at or visit your local swimming pool or leisure centre and collect an Everyone Active card application form, so that come April 1, 2009 you are able to make the most of this government-backed initiative.

It is estimated that up to twenty seven thousand people will be eligible for the free swims. Public swim sessions vary from pool to pool and people are advised to check beforehand at your local pool or centre or visit and download the swimming pool timetable.

The District Councils Leisure Centres are:

  • Stratford Leisure and Visitor Centre: telephone 01789 268826.
  • Studley Leisure Centre: telephone 01527 857161.
  • Southam Leisure Centre: telephone 01926 817788.
  • Shipston Leisure Centre: telephone 01608 662354.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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