Three priorities to be addressd from Henley and Studley Community Forum

This article is 16 years old


Published on 4 August 2009
Archived on 24 August 2009

Burglaries, speeding and nuisance vehicles emerged as top priorities at the recent Safer Neighbourhoods Team meeting held as part of the Henley and Studley Community Forum.

At the Henley and Studley Community Forum meeting held in June, residents selected three new priorities for police and partners to address over the month ahead.  These included house burglaries, speeding around Wootton Wawen and nuisance vehicles at Node Hill in Studley.

At the Community Forum meeting residents also received a presentation on sustainability in the Forum Area.  They also voiced a number of other concerns including CCTV in Henley, road signs, grass cuttings in Pettiford lane, parking in Henley especially outside Somerfield and One-Stop-Shop and disabled parking in Henley.  As parking was so high on the agenda this will be an item for a future forum and parking in Henley is under review.

The next meeting of the Henley and Studley Community Forum meeting is on Thursday 13 August starting at 7.30pm at Wootton Wawen Village Hall.

The meeting is an opportunity for people who live in and around Henley and Studley area to come along and join in the debate.  There will also be presentations on Empty Homes and Delivery of Rural Affordable Homes.

The Safer Neighbourhood Team surgery will take place before the Community Forum meeting at 7pm and officers will be giving feedback on the issues raised earlier at their surgeries and residents will be able to hear the latest on policing in their area from Warwickshire Police.

Community Forums are an interactive event enabling residents to learn about issues big and small affecting their area, get answers to questions and influence local decision-making. Anyone with a question about a local issue can go along and put it to officers from a range of organisations.  For more information about this forum please contact Lizzie Price, Area Support Officer on 01789 290784 or go to

Community Forums are part of a countywide initiative involving Warwickshire County Council, District and Borough Councils, NHS Warwickshire, Warwickshire Police and Warwickshire Together partners.

There are 30 forums across Warwickshire, which bring together elected representatives across all tiers of local government - County, District and Borough and Parish, together with a range of other community representatives.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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