Free training for food businesses on E Coli

This article is 16 years old


Published on 6 October 2009
Archived on 6 November 2009

Stratford-on-Avon District Council is holding a free training session following recent outbreaks of food poisoning caused by the potentially fatal E coli 0157 bacteria, and Professor Pennington's report into an outbreak in Wales in which a 5 year old boy died, to help businesses manage this aspect of food safety.

The training event is scheduled for the morning of Monday 9th November 2009. 

The training will be delivered by environmental health staff from the District Council, and is intended to be as practical and relevant as possible to help food business operators avoid food poisoning outbreaks, with the potentially devastating consequences that would follow.

The course is aimed primarily at butchers selling both raw and cooked meats to help them maintain their good trading history, but if spaces are available, managers and staff from other catering sectors will be given the opportunity to attend.  Those attending will be given a certificate to confirm their attendance for display on the premises.

"The consequences of a serious food poisoning in our District could be catastrophic, both from a moral point of view and economically.  This is magnified by our position as a tourist destination.  This training event is an excellent opportunity for local businesses and the District Council to work together to reduce the risk of serious food poisoning outbreaks within our District.  I hope owners, managers and staff from our local food businesses are able to attend and either reinforce their current knowledge or learn afresh issues which will help them to produce and sell food that is safe to eat," says Cllr Simon Jackson, Portfolio Holder for Environment

Anyone interested in attending can call the Public Protection Team on 01789 267575 to register an interest.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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