Don’t Mess with Children's health

This article is 16 years old


Published on 14 December 2009
Archived on 14 January 2010

'Don't mess with our health' is the plea from pupils at Shipston Primary School.  The Pupils have joined forces with Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Dog Warden to ask Dog Owners to behave more responsibly and legally - when exercising their dogs. 

Indiscriminate owners are flouting the law if they do not clear up after their dogs, so the school community are now appealing to caring residents to witness incidents of fouling and report them. The prime area of concern is Tilemans Lane which runs along the school premises.
The District Councils Dog Warden, Sophie Peacock, will prosecute anyone allowing their dog to foul and says: "Although most dog owners recognise their responsibilities there is a significant minority who do not seem to understand. Dog mess, apart from being very unpleasant, can cause serious disease particularly in children. We are imploring dog owners to make sure that they always take a bag with them and that they pick up their dogs mess. They do not have to find a 'dog bin', they can either put it in a normal litter bin or take it home and put it in their household waste bin." 

"We are asking people to report offenders to us, and where possible to complete witness statements so that we can issue Fixed Penalty Notices, if we work together we can clean this problem from our environment. Make no mistake, if we have to serve notices, we will do."

Head Teacher, Christian Hilton, says: "I would urge anyone to telephone the District Council on 01789 260839 or get a witness statement form from the school office to report these unpleasant incidences.  Unless we have firm evidence we are unable to take corrective action and we need to work together with the District Council on this matter."

Shipston-on-Stour Town Council is also encouraging residents to come forward and witness statements and leaflets are available at Clark House.  The Town Gardeners work hard to keep the paths clear of litter and dog mess and will also be reporting any dog owners who do not adhere to the laws on dog fouling in a bid to keep their town clean.

" The Order can be viewed in any of the District Council offices or on the website  - Dog Warden Service

" All dog walkers must now pick up the mess if their dog fouls pavements, footpaths, sports fields and play areas. There are only a few exceptions to the new rule and these can be found on the District Councils website.

" In July Stratford District Council issued the first Dog Fouling Fixed Penalty Notice following the introduction of new laws in April to force people to clean up after their dogs.  The notice cost the errant dog owner a fee of £75, after a member of the public spotted a man allowing his dog to foul the pavement near to their house and then walk away without clearing it up. The complainant was happy to provide evidence to council staff and to sign an official witness statement detailing what happened.


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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