Directions for Stratford-on-Avon District

This article is 15 years old


Published on 24 February 2010
Archived on 24 March 2010

Stratford-on-Avon District Council is preparing what is known as a Local Development Framework to guide development and change in the area over the next 15 years. This will provide the basis for where new homes are built, where new jobs are created and how to improve services. It is a statutory obligation on the District Council to produce such a document.

The Core Strategy is the first and most important part of the Framework to be prepared. It will set the overall vision and key objectives which the District Council and its partners are striving to achieve through the planning process. It will also establish where major development should take place in the future and how this should be delivered.

A first draft of the Core Strategy was published in October 2009. Since that time a great deal of technical assessment has been carried out, including input from residents, organisations and businesses.

The District Council has to take into account the prospect of an additional amount of housing development being required by the Secretary of State through the Regional Strategy. This could lead to an increase in the housing requirement from 5,600 homes as originally proposed to 7,500 homes during the period 2006-2026.

As a result of this work, a further draft of the Core Strategy has been produced for consultation and comment.

A wide range of development proposals are being put forward in the towns and larger villages in the District and the approach to development on a number of large rural brownfield sites is also set out.  Scope is provided for small-scale development in villages to meet the needs of local people and businesses.

There are policies to cover topics such as infrastructure, transport, flood risk, renewable energy and heritage.

Cllr George Atkinson, Planning Portfolio says: It is essential that we have an up-to-date and credible plan for managing future development in the District otherwise there is a risk of planning by appeal.  This document is an important stage in the process since it is vital that the District Council has as much information as possible when producing the plan that is submitted to the Secretary of State.

The document can be viewed on the District Council website, it is also available to view at District Council offices and libraries in the district.

Comments can be submitted electronically on the form that is provided on the website or alternatively, you can request a paper form by ringing 01789 260319.

The closing date for comments is Thursday 8 April 2010.
Following this consultation stage the District Council will prepare a formal version of the Core Strategy, taking into account the comments received and further technical work.

In due course the District Council will submit the Core Strategy to the Secretary of State and a Public Examination will be held.  The District Council hopes to adopt the Core Strategy by the end of 2011. It will then replace the equivalent parts of the District Local Plan.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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