Stratford District Council mount successful planning appeal

This article is 15 years old


Published on 15 June 2010
Archived on 15 July 2010

The Planning Inspectorate has dismissed a planning appeal by R S Brookhouse Engineering (Evesham) Limited against an Enforcement Notice issued by Stratford-on-Avon District Council on the 10 July 2009.

The District Council served the Enforcement Notice on the site at Moor Hall Farm, Wixford, Alcester because there had been a change of land use from agriculture to the storage of machinery without planning permission.

The requirements of the Enforcement Notice were:

a) Remove from the Land all plant, machinery and associated equipment used in connection with the machinery maintenance and repair shop at Moor Hall Farm, Wixford.

b) Thereafter refrain from using the Land for the storage of plant, machinery or other equipment used in connection with the machinery maintenance and repair shop at Moor Hall Farm, Wixford.

Councillor Gillian Roache, Planning Portfolio at Stratford District Council says: "This is another successfully fought case from the District Council that recognises the importance of protecting our District heritage and the need to comply with planning rules as the Planning Inspectorate concluded that the unlawful use of the site materially harms the character and appearance of the area and is contrary to the relevant parts of the Local Plan. 

"The District Council will however continue discussions with the company to try and find appropriate solutions to their business needs whilst ensuring that the amenity of neighbouring properties and the character and appearance of the area is not harmed."

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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