Stratford District Council receives Member Development Charter

This article is 15 years old


Published on 27 September 2010
Archived on 27 October 2010

Stratford-on-Avon District Council has been awarded the highly acclaimed Member Development Charter for its work at developing its elected members to improve their work for the general public and is only one of six local authorities in the West Midlands to be awarded the Charter.  

The Charter Scheme, run by the West Midlands Councils, has a number of objectives, including ensuring that local authorities deliver quality leadership and services to the public.  It also encourages Councils to raise the level of performance on the political management of the Council and to raise the profile and encourage commitment to elected member development.

After a thorough assessment culminating in a visit by the Member Development Group for the West Midlands Councils (formerly the West Midlands Leaders Board) in July the report found:

'There is clear evidence that Stratford-on-Avon District Council provides members with a high degree of learning and development opportunities, and its member development programme has contributed significantly to improve the services it provides' and 'Member Development at Stratford on Avon District Council is well established; is driven undoubtedly by its Members, and is developing into an integral part of the organisation's culture.'

The report also highlighted a number of strengths:

  • Personal Development Plans (PDPs) a form of appraisal for Members to identify skill gaps and promote knowledge reached a cross party total of 89% of members completing one. The report noted 'This figure would certainly be the envy of Councils nationally, not just regionally'.
  • Particular credit goes to the Leader, Deputy Leader & portfolio holder, Chief Executive, Senior Officers and major party groups, for their continued high level of commitment, and enthusiasm for Member Development.
  • Wherever possible the Council uses in-house trainers or works with other authorities to provide the best value training.
  • There is a linkage to remuneration so a Councillor has to complete a certain amount of training before receiving their final yearly allowance payment. 
  • The Members training plan mirrors the corporate strategy which helps members achieve what the Council has agreed to do in the medium term.
  • Member Development at the Council takes into account emerging priorities within the District and to cite a recent example Members received training regarding 'Gypsy & Travellers'.
  • As a result District Council Members are better equipped to face the inevitable changes in the coming months.
  • The District Council's induction training was praised in its structure and completeness, so those thinking of standing for Council should not worry that they know very little of how Councils work!

Cllr Stephen Gray, Leader says:"We are delighted to receive the Member Development Charter award which acknowledges the hard work Councillors and Officers have done in this important area of work.  The District Council works hard to develop the skills of all our Members so that they in turn provide a better all round service to their constituents."

  • The purpose of the Member Development Charter is a vehicle to improve the corporate performance of local authorities, through the development of its Councillors.
  • The six local authorities in the West Midlands are Rugby Borough Council, Sandwell Metropolitan Council, Staffordshire Moorlands District Council, Walsall and Wolverhampton.


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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