Published on 13 September 2010
Archived on 13 October 2010
Stratford-on-Avon District Council is hoping to help hard-hit shop-keepers with a new grants scheme to improve the appearance of shop fronts in Stratford-upon-Avon if approved by Cabinet next month.
Under the new proposals, grants of up to £10,000 will be made available to fund up to 60% of the costs of improvements to relevant properties along the 'Historic Spine' a vital Conservation Area in the town. Its aim is to help regenerate the town's retail sector providing a more pleasant environment for both local residents and tourists visiting the town.
The principles of a scheme are being discussed with business owners and the Historic Spine Action Group, led by the Stratford Society and includes representatives from Stratford Voice, the Town Council, the RSC, Stratforward and the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.
It is expected that the grant will enable both physical improvements as well as increasing the likelihood of encouraging new business tenants for some of the empty properties making the town centre more attractive for shoppers and to potential businesses looking to invest in the town.
Cllr Sue Wixey, Deputy Leader of Stratford District Council said: "We have listened to local businesses and appreciate the need to help improve the image and environment of Stratford town centre. By offering up to 60% grants, we hope to encourage the private sector to invest in vital improvements and ensure that our key heritage is at it's best for residents and visitors to enjoy. We are working with the Historic Spine Action Group and will focus our early attention on Henley Street, High Street and Chapel Street, the key retail part of the Historic Spine."
Kevin Bond, Chair of the Historic Spine Action Group, commented that: "We actively support the concept as one of a number of potential ways to improve the spine and hopefully bring urgently needed improvements to some of the shopfronts."
The District Council will work in close partnership with the Historic Spine Group who would assist with marketing the scheme and assessing applications, to ensure the money is targeted where it is most needed.
Following the consultation with businesses and the Historic Spine Action Group, and subject to the final 'green light' being given to the scheme at the October meeting of the District Council's Cabinet, it is hoped that the scheme could be launched later in October.
The 'historic spine' is the key 'pilgrimage' route followed by many thousands of visitors and connects Shakespeare's birthplace to his resting place at Holy Trinity Church. The route includes High Street, Henley Street and Chapel Street, which forms a significant part of the retail heart of Stratford-upon-Avon.
The 'Stratford-upon-Avon High Street Study' (Colin Davis Associates, Dec 2004) was adopted by Stratford District Council as supplementary Planning Guidance in November 2009 and clearly illustrates the potential for significant improvement to shop fronts. The scheme will prioritise proposals that help deliver these improvements, initially focussing on Henley Street, High Street and Chapel Street.
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575
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