Published on 4 October 2010
Archived on 4 November 2010
Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Cabinet today, Monday 4 October, considered two items on off street car parking and demonstrates that the District Council is listening to resident's concerns.
The Cabinet has agreed a new shoppers tariff for Windsor Street and an evening charge and permit for Windsor Street and Arden Street car parks on a twelve month trial basis and the continuation of free up to 1 hour parking in Bridgefoot car park following the successful six month trial period.
The new proposals for Windsor Street and Arden Street allow parking in the evenings from 6pm to 8am for £1 and during the day the tariff will change with over 3 hours up to 6pm for £4.
Cllr Mike Brain, Community Services Portfolio says: "This is great news for Stratford residents and visitors alike and shows that as a District Council we are listening to concerns and acting on these. This matter has repeatedly been brought to my attention by various bodies throughout the town and I feel that this initiative will help residents and businesses.
"I am mindful of the current financial climate affecting businesses and the pressures that they are facing to survive, and whilst the implications of this report could affect the income of both the Council and the County, I feel that the Council has an overall responsibility to do all it can to help and it is hoped that with these new tariffs in place it will attract additional usage."
In addition to these proposals a Stratford Card can be purchased by any person for a one-off fee of £2.00, which allows you to preload credit on to the card enabling use in any of the District Council town centre pay and display car parks. Every time you place credit on your card you are given a 25% bonus. So for every £10 purchased you get a bonus of £2.50 and the card now has a value of £12.50.
The new tariffs agreed by The Cabinet will be operational following the statutory notice procedure, 21 days after publishing the notice.
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575
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