Positive outcomes from Alcester & Bidford Community Forum

This article is 15 years old


Published on 5 October 2010
Archived on 5 November 2010

Extra roads to be gritted and the release of funds for an enforcement camera for Bidford and Welford bridge were just two of the positive outcomes from last month's Alcester and Bidford Community Forum.

Residents will be pleased to hear that Honeybourne Road, Bidford-on-Avon and Broom Lane, Dunnington have now been added to the schedule and will receive gritting in severe weather.

Weight restrictions are regularly flouted on the Bidford and Welford Bridge and District and County Councillor Cllr Peter Barnes asked for the support of the Community Forum to request the release of S106 funds from developers towards an enforcement camera for the bridge.  

District Councillor Kim James, Chair of the Alcester and Bidford Community Forum says: "The Community Forum has been the catalyst in taking these issues forward and it is one of the many things that the forum has achieved to benefit the communities.  We are keen to encourage all sections of the community to attend the forums."

Priorities were also identified from the Safer Neighbourhood Team: speeding in Welford-on-Avon; speeding in Luddington and improper driving of vehicles in contravention of Sect 59 of the Road Traffic Act 1988.

Sgt Andy Moss, Alcester's new Police Sergeant to target motorists anti social behaviour says: "Excessively noisy vehicles, particularly in the rural environment of Alcester and Bidford, are particularly irritating and can greatly reduce the quality of life enjoyed by residents of this area.  It is selfish and often accompanied by inappropriate and anti-social use of these vehicles.  We intend to use a mixture of education and enforcement to ensure that a minority of drivers do not spoil the lives of others."

Other priorities identified from the locality plan are: Affordable decent housing, Flooding, Public Transport, Activities for teenagers and Health.

Community Forums are an interactive event enabling residents to learn about issues big and small affecting their area, get answers to questions and influence local decision-making. Anyone with a question about a local issue can go along and put it to officers from a range of organisations.

If you would like to suggest an issue for a future Community Forum meeting, or get involved, please contact the WCC Stratford Area Office on 01789 260133 or email: stratfordoffice@warwickshire.gov.uk

Community Forums are part of a countywide initiative involving Warwickshire County Council, District and Borough Councils, NHS Warwickshire, Warwickshire Police and Warwickshire Together partners.

There are 30 forums across Warwickshire, which bring together elected representatives across all tiers of local government - County, District and Borough and Parish, together with a range of other community representatives.


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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