Fly-Tipping is not a cheap option

This article is 15 years old


Published on 8 December 2010
Archived on 8 January 2011

The residents of Ufton have seen bags of waste appear in their ditches on a number of occasions in the last few years, but Stratford-on-Avon District Council has been unable to penalise anyone for these instances due to lack of evidence.

In September this year, a local resident spotted someone fly-tipping several bags of waste in Ufton before driving off.  This member of the public made a note of the number plate and passed this through their Parish Council to the District Council.

Stratford-on-Avon District Council investigates all fly-tipping that may be traceable, and looks to take action against those responsible if there is sufficient evidence.

With a witness able to give the District Council details of the vehicle used in this incident, it was traced using the Police National Computer, and the process of holding the resident from Leamington Spa accountable for this breach of the law was started.

Although the culprit ignored the District Council's initial correspondence regarding this issue and failed to attend an interview under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984; when faced with Court action they rapidly paid the £175 penalty that was issued for this offence.

If anyone witnesses this type of activity, do not approach the person directly, but try and note the date and time along with anything that might help identify the person such as what type of vehicle was used, registration number and a description of the person(s) involved.

If anyone has any information regarding those responsible for fly-tipping waste on the public highway, please contact the Street Scene team at Stratford-on-Avon District Council on 01789 260616.

Additional Information

  • All producers (including householders) and transporters of waste have a Duty of Care for their waste under section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA 1990).
  • Section 33 of the EPA 1990 states that where fly-tipping involves the use of a vehicle, the driver can be prosecuted, as can the owner of the vehicle.
  • The police have powers to seize vehicles used for fly-tipping.
  • Fly-tipping fines are up to £50,000 and up to twelve months' imprisonment. Fines are unlimited if the case goes to the Crown Court, and up to two years' imprisonment, and up to five years if hazardous waste is dumped.
  • Local Authorities have the power to penalise fly tipping on public highway land. Fly tips on private property are the responsibility of the land owner to pursue as a Civil matter.
  • In some cases, covert surveillance may be used to monitor known locations and catch those responsible.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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