Customer Services moving online

This article is 15 years old


Published on 6 December 2010
Archived on 6 January 2011

Stratford District residents will now be able to access even more District Council services online.

From December the following services will become accessible online:

  • Refuse and recycling waste collections enquiries including reporting missed collections and requesting wheeled bins and other waste receptacles.
  • Reporting incidents of Fly Tipping (illegal dumping of waste).
  • Arranging a Bulky Waste Collection.
  • Dog related issues including reporting dog fouling, stray dogs, lost dogs and dangerous dogs.
  • Pest Control which includes requests for advice and treatment of bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, mice, rats and wasps.
  • Licensing enquiries including, boarding kennels/catteries, caravan sites, charitable, house to house and street collections, dangerous wild animals, dog breeding, betting, gaming and lotteries and track betting, alcohol and entertainment, pet shops, pleasure boats, Private Hire Driver and Vehicle Licences, riding establishments, scrap metal dealers licences, sex shops, street trading, tattooing, electrolysis, ear piercing and acupuncture, Taxi Driver and Vehicle Licences and zoos.
  • Environmental Health enquiries, including air pollution and quality, asbestos, drainage/sewerage, food safety, health & safety, flooding (not foul drainage), noise, pollution/contamination, rubbish on private properties, smells and water supply problems.

These additional new services compliment the range of 24-hour online services already available together with the number of different ways residents can contact the District Council, including by letter, email or telephone as well as in person at the offices in Stratford, Alcester and Southam. 

Cllr Stephen Thirlwell, Customer Services Portfolio Holder says: "With this new enhancement, this is another step in the District Council's commitment in helping residents access District Council services at a time convenient to themselves."

The E-forms have been developed internally by District Council staff and are available via the Council's website:

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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