New parking tariffs for Stratford Town

This article is 15 years old


Published on 6 December 2010
Archived on 6 January 2011

Stratford-on-Avon District Council's new shoppers car parking tariff for Windsor Street car park starts on Monday 6 December.

The new proposals for Windsor Street allow parking in the evenings from 6pm to 8am for £1 and during the day the tariff will change with over 3 hours up to 6pm for £4.

Cllr Mike Brain, Community Services Portfolio says: "This initiative will help residents, visitors and businesses and shows that as a District Council we are listening to concerns and acting on these as this matter has repeatedly been brought to my attention by various bodies throughout the town.  We would like to help encourage as many people as possible to come into our beautiful town this Christmas and experience what it has to offer with many independent traders, a fine selection of bars, cafes and restaurants, the Christmas market and the newly refurbished Royal Shakespeare Theatre.  There's something for everyone to enjoy."

There is also free late night off-street parking in all District Council owned car parks, excluding Bridgefoot, between 6pm and 9pm on Thursday evenings from 25 November to 23 December to coincide with the late night shopping in the town.

Since April the District Council have introduced a range of new parking initiatives in Stratford-upon-Avon:

  • Park in Bridgefoot car park free for 1 hour.
  • Get 25% extra parking free when you purchase the new Stratford Card*.
  • New parking permits for Stratford Leisure Club members.
  • Concession Holders can use Windsor Street car park for 4 hours between October 2010 to March 2011 (as an alternative to the Recreation Ground and Swans Nest Lane).
  • 12 hours parking for £10 for all long stay car parks.

*A Stratford Card can be purchased by any person for a one-off fee of £2.00, which allows you to preload credit on to the card enabling use in any of the District Council town centre pay and display car parks.  Every time you place credit on your card you are given a 25% bonus.  So for every £10 purchased you get a bonus of £2.50 and the card now has a value of £12.50.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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