Stay safe this party season

This article is 15 years old


Published on 3 December 2010
Archived on 3 January 2011

Police and their partners are encouraging people to report serious sexual assaults to them.

They are also urging people to seek support from agencies in Warwickshire such as RoSA and Safeline.

DI Antony Mumford said "Research suggests that nationally, as few as 15 per cent of rapes are reported to the police. This is extremely worrying to us and we would like to dispel some myths and misconceptions around rape and sexual assault and offer some advice on how to stay safe this party season.

"We would like to reassure people that sexual assault by a stranger is very rare. This accounts for a very small proportion of reports made to us.

"The majority of offences occur within a relationship or acquaintance. Most people know the person who assaults them - they may be a current or ex partner, someone they thought was a friend, or someone they have just met on a night out who has come back for coffee. "

DI Mumford added "Whoever they are, if you did not consent, then this assault should not have happened to you. Please do not feel embarrassed. We are here to support you in a sympathetic and understanding manner. We treat these offences very seriously and in almost every case the suspect is arrested and interviewed."

While this policy is improving the number of people convicted, officers are urging people not to put themselves in a position where they may be at risk from sexual assault.

Alcohol affects alertness and continues to be absorbed into the bloodstream long after people have stopped drinking - consider having a soft drink occasionally to help you control the amount of alcohol consumed.

Avoid going to pubs, clubs, or parties alone - go with friends and watch out for each other and make sure you all get home safely - and think carefully before leaving the pub or club with someone you do not know very well.

Ensure someone knows where you are and when you are expected home.

DI Mumford added "Rape and sexual assault can affect anyone, male or female, adult or child and there are a number of agencies in Warwickshire who are able to help and we would encourage any person affected to talk to an expert who can help them."

For more information about RoSA, please visit  and for more information about Safeline please visit

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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