Published on 19 November 2010
Archived on 19 December 2010
Next week sees the start of National Empty Homes Week (21 - 27 November) and Stratford-on-Avon District Council recognises that Empty Homes are a wasted resource where there are long waiting lists of local people for housing.
There are over 600 empty homes across Stratford-on-Avon District and to tackle these the District Council is delivering the actions outlined in its empty homes strategy.
Stratford-on-Avon District Council has been successful in working with owners to bring empty homes back into use across the District and is on target to meet its Corporate Strategy commitment of returning 50 properties to use between 2009 - 2011. A number of initiatives have been put into place to achieve this including Empty Homes Assistance Grants which provide funding to assist owners with renovation works.
The District Council has recently approved an Empty Homes Assistance Grant to regenerate a property in Southam which has been unoccupied for over two years and in a state of significant disrepair.
The grant enables the property to be renovated to a modern standard ensuring it is free from any hazards to future tenants. Certain conditions have to be adhered to by the owner and on completion the property will be let at an affordable level to tenants in housing need registered on the Councils Home Choice Plus scheme.
Councillor Valerie Hobbs Portfolio Holder Revenues and Housing says: "I am delighted that the Empty Homes Programme has been so successful. There are a vast number of empty properties across the District which if brought back into use could provide much needed accommodation. I therefore very much support the work of the District Council Housing team who continue to work with local home owners to ensure that as many properties are brought back into use."
The District Council's Empty Homes Officer can provide advice and support to help owners bring their properties back into use. In many cases only relatively small amounts of work need to be undertaken to bring properties back into use and whilst Councils now have additional powers to bring this about, the District Council would rather work with owners.
Owners of empty properties who would like further information and guidance regarding bringing their properties back into residential use or would like further details of the Empty Homes Assistance Grant should contact Carol Roberts, Empty Homes Officer at Stratford District Council on 01789 260866 or email
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575
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