Green Award for District Council’s Leisure Centres

This article is 15 years old


Published on 15 December 2010
Archived on 15 January 2011

Local Authorities have an ever-increasing obligation to reduce their carbon footprint and the leisure industry can play a major role in helping them to achieve that goal.

Sports Leisure Management, SLM, retained the contract this year to manage Stratford-on-Avon District Council's four leisure centres in Stratford-upon-Avon, Shipston, Southam and Studley. These centres are all major users of energy through heating, lighting, ventilation and air conditioning.

Sports Leisure Management SLM has been officially certified with the Carbon Trust Standard proving that it has taken real action on climate change by reducing its carbon footprint.

SLM is the first company in the leisure industry to achieve the Carbon Trust Standard. It is great recognition for the work that the company has done both at head office and at all of its 63 leisure centres throughout the UK.

The Carbon Trust Standard shows people which organisations you can trust to have genuinely acted on climate change and committed to ongoing emission reductions.

This award demonstrates that SLM is at the forefront when it comes to tackling climate change and has taken action by reducing the carbon emissions that the company is directly responsible for.

Some of the projects that have enabled SLM to get the Carbon Trust Standard include:

  • Training and good housekeeping  
  • Devising and implementing site action plans
  • Targeting Nil and Low cost solutions
  • Introducing energy saving technology

The Carbon Trust Standard requires SLM to keep reducing its carbon footprint and to recertify every two years. SLM is committed to continuing the great work and keep reducing its impact on the environment.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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