Energy Saving Trust top ten fuel saving tips

This article is 14 years old


Published on 14 January 2011
Archived on 14 February 2011

Transport counts for 25% of the UKs CO2 emissions, at just over 130 million tonnes of CO2 a year. Have you considered changing the way you travel?

Making small changes to your driving can really help improve your fuel economy. Have a look at our top ten smarter driving tips:

Behind the wheel

1. Drive off from Cold. Modern cars are designed to move straight away. Warming up the engine just wastes fuel - and actually causes engine wear
2. Check your Revs. Change up before 2,500rpm (petrol) or 2,000rpm (diesel)
3. Drive Smoothly. Anticipate road conditions so that you drive smoothly and avoid sharp acceleration and heavy braking. This saves fuel and reduces accident rates.
4. Step off the Accelerator. When slowing down or driving downhill, remain in gear but take your foot off the accelerator early. This reduces fuel flow to the engine to virtually zero.
5. Slow Down. Driving within the speed limit is safer as well as being the law, and reduces fuel consumption.

Stuck in traffic

6. Switch it off. Modern cars use virtually no extra fuel when they are re-started without pressing the accelerator. Turn off the engine if you're going to be stationary for more than a minute or two.

Smarter preparation

7. Plan Ahead. Plan your journeys to avoid congestion and road works, and to make sure you don't waste fuel or time getting lost!
8. Keep it Long. Use other forms of transport for short journeys, if you can. A cold engine uses almost twice as much fuel and catalytic converters can take five miles to become effective.
9. Reduce Drag. Accessories such as roof racks, bike carriers and roof boxes significantly affect your car's aerodynamics and reduce fuel efficiency, so remove them when not in use.
10. Check Tyre Pressure. Under-inflated tyres are dangerous and increase fuel consumption.

Complete a Travel Energy Check and receive a free pedometer!

Don't forget to complete a Travel Energy Check to receive a free pedometer. Speak to one of our friendly advisors on 0800 512 012 quoting “Travel Energy Offer 2011".

For more information about greener travel, visit

You could also contact your local Energy Saving Trust advice centre on 0800 512 012 or e-mail quoting “Travel Energy Offer 2011"

The Energy Saving Trust is a non-profit organisation providing free, impartial advice to help you stop wasting energy and money and help fight climate change.

To find out what you can do to stop wasting energy, visit our website at  or contact your local Energy Saving Trust advisor on 0800 512 012 or

The free pedometer offer closes 5pm, 31st March 2011.  Pedometer is available until stock lasts.


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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