In Digital Switchover Year Don’t Fall Victim to Door to Door Rogues

This article is 14 years old


Published on 14 January 2011
Archived on 14 February 2011

In the year when Warwickshire residents will see their television signals switched over to digital, Warwickshire County Council Trading Standards Service are warning residents not to be taken in by rogue traders who may take advantage of the switchover to sell consumers over priced or unnecessary equipment, door to door.

Warwickshire County Councillor Richard Hobbs, Portfolio Holder for Community Protection said: “Whilst many people across the County will already be watching digital television, either through a free view box, or by cable or satellite, there will be some who continue to watch TV as they have always done, via the analogue signals from a conventional aerial.

We want to help ensure that Warwickshire people, and especially the elderly and vulnerable have all the information they need to make the switch to digital TV a smooth process and avoid those rogues who may try and take advantage of the change over."

In the Central Television Region, covering Warwickshire and many surrounding counties, switchover from an analogue signal to a digital signal is due to begin on 30th March 2011. Over the course of the year, the existing analogue television signal will be switched off and viewers will need to convert or upgrade their TV equipment to receive digital signals and a TV service.

Trading Standards Officers have begun to visit elderly people living in sheltered accommodation to talk to them about the digital switchover process and have established a website with more information and advice, visit:

Not only are Trading Standards Officers concerned that rogue traders may attempt to sell residents unnecessary digital TV equipment but that some may use the opportunity to falsely claim their property requires other work doing, for example roofing or guttering work, something a rogue trader may point out if they are 'installing' a new aerial.

Warwickshire Trading Standards Service is advising consumers to check before they buy:

Will I need a new TV set? Probably not - most TV's can be converted with the use of a set top digital box.

Trading Standards say: "Don't be conned in to buying a brand new TV. A set top box costing around £20 - £30 should enable most televisions to receive digital signals."

Will I need a new TV aerial? Most rooftop and some set top boxes will continue to work after digital switchover, so you may not need to upgrade your aerial or buy a digital aerial.

Trading Standards say: "Installation of a standard new rooftop aerial can cost from £60 to £180. Check the strength of your aerial before you make any decisions. You can do this by visiting teletext page p284. If you do need to upgrade ensure that the trader you choose in a Registered Digital Installer. Only they are permitted to use the digital tick."

Will my video/dvd recorder still work? Yes. You will still be able to record and play back. However, most won't be able to record one channel while you are watching another. To do this you will need a digital TV recorder. Look out for the digital TV click (showing they work with digital TV).

Trading Standards say: "If you do wish to purchase a digital TV recorder, shop around and look for products with the digital TV tick."

Trading Standards advise that it can be difficult telling a good trader from a bad one on the doorstep, so our best advice is shop around and go on recommendation where ever possible – don't buy from the first person who comes to your door.

Comprehensive information on digital switchover, including details of local events is available from or by phoning 08456 50 50 50.

There is a special help scheme for people aged over 75, for those registered blind or partially sighted and for those in receipt of certain disability benefits. For more information about the help scheme, call 0800 40 85 900 or visit

Important switchover dates for Warwickshire

Lark Stoke Transmitter covering the Stratford upon Avon Area: 6th April 2011
Sutton Coldfield covering much of the West Midlands: 7th September 2011

Some Warwickshire residents may also receive their signals from other surrounding transmitters. A transmitter map and further dates are available at:

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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