Warwickshire communities get safer

This article is 14 years old


Published on 2 March 2011
Archived on 2 April 2011

Warwickshire services are succeeding in their vision of 'protecting our communities together' by improving community safety across the county.

A report presented at yesterday's Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee outlines the progress made by the county's partnership in community safety against priorities set out in the annual agreement.

The report demonstrates that the partnership between Warwickshire County Council, Warwickshire Police, NHS Warwickshire and the district and borough councils is on track to meet all targets set for the year.

Compared to last year more drug users are in effective treatment, less people have been killed or seriously injured on the county's roads, and overall crime is on target for a reduction.

Anti-social behaviour is being managed well in the county with a number of interventions in place. Tackling anti-social behaviour has taken a youth focus looking at how early intervention plays a significant role in reducing its incidence.

Intensive support for families is being provided by agencies working together across the county taking the form of Family Intervention Projects which have successfully reduced the problems of the families they are working with. Such projects have been operational for one year in Nuneaton and Bedworth and are under development in Rugby and Warwick.

The county's Prolific and Persistent Offenders scheme has not only reduced the number of crimes committed by this group by 29 per cent but also substantially reduced the costs to individuals and the community.

Work continues to raise awareness of domestic abuse and to promote the support available to those affected. Outreach and referrals on domestic abuse have increased by 77 cases on last year and the Independent Domestic Violence Adviser Service has supported 188 high risk victims through the criminal justice system, 77 more people than last year.

The report also gives recognition for work such as the Warwickshire Trading Standards and Warwickshire Police project to prevent doorstep crime which recently won a Home Office Tilley award, and the Drug and Alcohol Action Team's harm reduction strategy which was accredited with the Alcohol Concern Kite mark for good practice.

Cllr Richard Hobbs, Warwickshire County Council's Portfolio Holder for Community Protection said: “The progress report demonstrates some very positive results, proving that our joined up approach to improving community safety in Warwickshire is working well.

“These achievements in reducing crime and improving safety are a testament to the hard work and innovative projects carried out by our committed public sector teams to protect communities across the county."

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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