2011 Census - It makes sense to fill in your Census form

This article is 14 years old


Published on 7 March 2011
Archived on 7 April 2011

2011 is the year of the National Census, which takes place every ten years in the UK – and Stratford-upon-Avon residents are being urged to fill in their census forms.

The census questionnaires, which are easily recognised by the purple 2011 Census logo, will be dropping through the letterboxes of homes throughout Stratford district soon.

This year there is also an option to fill in the census questionnaire online – but you will still need the form you receive through the post, as this will include your unique internet code.

There is a wide range of help available to assist people with completing the form, however they choose to fill it in. For example, there are language guidance booklets available, forms in large print format, Text Relay, online help, telephone call centres and census staff available at local drop in support centres (more details below).

The census has taken place in the UK since 1801, with a day being chosen every 10 years for this purpose (except in 1941 during the war). The date that has been chosen this time around is 27 March and the idea is to get a snapshot of the UK's population on that day.

There are many good reasons to fill in your census questionnaire, which enables central and local government, health authorities and many other organisations identify local housing, education, health and transport needs for years to come.

Supermarkets use census statistics to work out the kind of foods they need to sell to keep local communities stocked up with their favourites. While fire services and the police use census data to help communities, putting fire and crime prevention measures in specific areas.

The census information also helps determine how much funding local authorities get to help provide services to local communities, so its very important that the information is as accurate as possible – which can only be achieved if as many households as possible fill in the form.

So when the form comes through your letterbox, remember to take care of it – and fill it in.

If you need any help, from 11 March drop-in support events will be held at:

  • The Citizens Advice Bureau in Stratford-on-Avon and
  • Briar Croft residential complex dates and times to be confirmed shortly.

For further information, help or assistance please call the free phone number 0300 0201 101 or visit www.census.gov.uk.


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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