New Leader and Cabinet for Stratford-on-Avon District Council

This article is 13 years old


Published on 18 May 2011
Archived on 18 June 2011

Stratford-on-Avon District Council has a new Cabinet today, Wednesday 18 May.

  • Leader - Leadership & Governance Portfolio - Cllr Chris Saint
  • Deputy Leader - Customer Access & Partnerships Portfolio - Cllr Stephen Thirlwell
  • Corporate Support Portfolio - Cllr Gillian Roache                                  
  • Enterprise, Housing & Revenues Portfolio - Cllr Valerie Hobbs
  • Environment & Planning Portfolio - Cllr Mike Gittus                                     
  • Finance & Business Administration Portfolio - Cllr Jennie Ellard
  • Resources, People & Property - Cllr Lynda Organ
  • Technical Services Portfolio - Cllr Mike Brain

Cllr Chris Saint, Leader of Stratford-on-Avon District Council says: “This is a new era for Stratford-on-Avon District Council and I am looking forward to working together with our new Cabinet team.  With another challenging year ahead I hope to build on the Council's previous successes.

“It is a great honour to be elected Leader of this Council.  I will serve the 'whole' Council to the best of my ability with balance, vigour and enthusiasm, focusing on the interests of this Council and the people of the District.  I will aspire to be your ambassador in a balanced way."

“The current economic landscape is like none we've previously seen and we are going to have to look at different ways of delivering our services and look in depth at what the Council has to do, what it should do, and what it wants to do."

Other appointments include: 
Chairman – Cllr Eric Payne (Alcester)
Vice- Chairman – Cllr Neville Beamer (Stratford Guild & Hathaway)

Portfolio details

Leadership & Governance
Political leadership
Policy Governance and the Budget
Localism and the Big Society
Council Structure and Appointments
Local authority liaison and partnerships (jointly with Deputy Leader)
External relationships

Customer Access & Partnerships
Partnerships and partnership working (jointly with Leader)
Contact centre
One Stop Shops
ICT and E-Government
Business continuity
Central Administration and Document Services
Print and Design
Land Charges

Corporate Support
Democratic Services
Member Development
Policy 1: Community Safety and Licensing
Policy2: Housing and LDF

Enterprise, Housing & Revenues
Business Enterprise
Community Leadership and Social Inclusion
Housing (excluding policy)
Council tax and NNDR (Commissioning Role)

Environment & Planning
Environmental Health
Emergency Planning
Land Drainage
Licensing (excluding policy)
Development Control and Enforcement
Heritage and Design
Dog Warden
Pest Control

Finance & Business Administration
Performance Management
Internal Audit (Commissioning)
Major Contracts and Procurement
Budget monitoring and supervision
Treasury Management
Risk Management

Resources, People & Property
Corporate Property
Asset Management
Construction Management and Maintenance
Health and Safety, including premises
Human Resources

Technical Services
Building Control
Car Parking
Health and Well-being
Leisure Services
Public Conveniences
Streetscene (including refuse collection and recycling, street cleaning and grounds maintenance)

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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