Fly tipping in Stratford District reducing

This article is 13 years old


Published on 13 June 2011
Archived on 13 July 2011

Fly tipping in Stratford-on-Avon District has decreased by 34%.

Figures from Stratford District Council show a big drop in the number of fly tips in the District from 310 (2009/10) to 205 (2010/11).

Cllr Mike Brain, Technical Services Portfolio says: “Although flytipping is not a major problem in our District it is illegal, unsightly and is a nuisance that can blight our beautiful countryside.  Given the rural nature of our large District it is pleasing to see that the number of incidents are reducing and we will continue to work to reduce this figure even further."

Fly tipping is the illegal dumping of rubbish and generally consists of large items or bags that are dumped in lay-bys, ditches, fields etc instead of being disposed of properly. Anyone fly tipping waste is committing a serious offence and if caught can be fined up to £50,000 or given up to a 5 year prison sentence.

The District Council's Streetscene team respond to reports of fly tipping and arrange for clearance. Officers investigated 66 incidents in the last 6 months and successfully identified a number of offenders.

District Council Officers will continue to work hard to maintain this downward trend and be vigilant in investigating and identifying offenders. If you spot any fly tipping please report it on or contact Stratford District Council on 01789 260616.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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