Get involved in the HS2 consultation now - all you need on one website -

This article is 13 years old


Published on 26 May 2011
Archived on 26 June 2011

Every person in Britain is currently being consulted on the Government's proposals for the extension of a High Speed Rail network (HS2). With only 65 days left to respond to the consultation (the closing date is 29 July 2011) a new website has been launched to help people find information and get involved in the HS2 rail consultation before it is too late to have their say.

The new website has been set up by the 51m group who are the thirteen councils that have come together to challenge the evidence base about the HS2 project. They are known as "51m" because that represents how much HS2 will cost each and every Parliamentary Constituency...£51million. The 51m group want to emphasise the impact this proposed scheme will have on every taxpayer in the country for years to come.

The 51m website clearly sets out the position of councils and other organisations across the country on HS2. It also includes the detailed and comprehensive submissions about High Speed Rail made to the Transport Select Committee this month.  Now published, these can be used by any individual, group or council to inform their own consultation responses to HS2.

The website also has a simple facility for people across the whole country to use so they can write to their local MP and tell them how they feel about the proposed HS2 project which will cost the nation £33billion. All they have to do is type in their postcode and follow the instructions on screen.

The website also has links to debates about HS2 on Facebook - find us at 51m_HS2project and tweets on Twitter @51m_HS2project.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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