Planning meeting changed

This article is 13 years old


Published on 7 July 2011
Archived on 7 August 2011

The planning application by Bloor Homes and Hallam Land Management (09/02196/OUT) for up to 800 new homes, a new primary school, health centre and local shops at land west of Shottery, Stratford-upon-Avon was due to be considered by a special meeting of the West Area Planning Committee on Wednesday 10 August.

This meeting date has now been deferred until Wednesday 21 September and will take place at 4pm at a Stratford venue still to be confirmed.

The meeting has been postponed due to the Council's Cabinet having the need to assess evidence on housing numbers and employment land requirements as part of the emerging core strategy.  The Cabinet will consider these reports at a special meeting on 5 September 2011.  The Cabinet's chosen policy option is an important consideration in the application for Shottery.

Chairman of West Area Planning Committee, Cllr Sir William Lawrence, said: “The Council has a duty to all its residents and planning applicants to consider all relevant information when deciding on planning applications.  I have been informed the Cabinet are intending to make a policy decision in early September that materially impacts on this particular planning application for housing development in Shottery.  It is reasonable and appropriate therefore to postpone the Special Area Planning Meeting from August 10 to September 21."

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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