Foil is perfect for recycling

This article is 13 years old


Published on 18 August 2011
Archived on 18 September 2011

Warwickshire Waste Partnership has launched its 'Aerofoil' awareness initiative as part of the county's campaign for residents to 'Slim Your Bin'.

The Aerofoil campaign has been funded by industry regulator Alupro to encourage households to recycle aerosol cans and foil containers in their kerbside recycling collection.

Cllr Helen Walton, Warwickshire County Council's waste management spokesperson, said: “People often recycle cans and tins but often do not think about recycling aerosols and foil containers. The average household uses 27 aerosols and 182 foil trays every year, and these can all be easily recycled in Warwickshire through the kerbside recycling collection.

“We need to send less waste to landfill and the only way to achieve this is for people to make full use of their recycling collections and throw less waste away."

Councillor Mike Brain, Technical Services Portfolio at Stratford District Council added: “This is a very timely campaign for Stratford District as we are keen to raise awareness that these materials can be put in the blue-lidded recycling bin. Our residents are very committed recyclers and this message will only help us to recycle even more of our household waste."

The aluminium and steel used in foil containers can be recycled endlessly without losing quality, so it is a really effective way for households to help reduce carbon emissions, save energy and ease the pressure on landfill sites.

Here are some simple tips:

  • Ensure that your aerosol is completely used up before you put it in the recycling bin.
  • Do not pierce, crush or flatten the aerosol before recycling.
  • Detach any loose or easily removable parts, such as the plastic lid, and dispose of them with the rest of your rubbish. Don't worry about removing the plastic nozzle - this will be removed during the recycling process.
  • Aerosols can be found all over the house, including the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom – so remember to leave no stone unturned!
  • Clean aluminium foil can also be recycled, such as take-away trays, pie and quiche cases and oven-ready meal trays.
  • However, not all products that appear to be aluminium foil are recyclable. For example, some crisp packets can look like aluminium, but they are actually made from metallised plastic and cannot be recycled.
  • To check if a foil container is aluminium, put it through a 'scrunch' test. Simply scrunch the item in your fist, then release your grip. If the foil has stayed scrunched, then it is aluminium, and can be recycled. If it pops out into its original form, it is not aluminium and should be put in with your rubbish, not in with your recycling.

If you would like more information on how to recycle using your kerbside scheme, please log onto the District Council's website or call 01789 267575.

For further information contact the press office on 01926 413727 or visit the websites at:

The Warwickshire Waste Partnership (WWP) is made up of elected Members and Officers from North Warwickshire Borough Council, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, Rugby Borough Council, Stratford District Council, Warwick District Council and the District and Warwickshire County Council.

Alupro is managing a collaboration between the aluminium and steel packaging recycling industries, materials reprocessors and the leading names in manufacturing and marketing of aerosols and aluminium foil containers.

The scheme provides advice and support for councils who want to start a new collection programme for aerosols and/or foil containers, learn more about how to handle the materials and find markets in which to sell the recycled metals.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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