Urgent electoral registration reminder issued

This article is 13 years old


Published on 30 September 2011
Archived on 30 October 2011

Residents in Stratford-on-Avon District are being urged to safeguard their vote at election time by sparing just a few minutes of their time to get their name registered on the electoral roll.

In August, electoral registration forms were posted out to every household in the district. However, although 54,000 forms were sent out – there are still somewhere in the region of 19,000 to be returned.  Reminders are dropping through letter boxes next week costing the tax payer an additional £5,000.

As well as losing the right to vote, people who do not register are committing an offence which may lead to a maximum £1,000 fine and/or jail term of up to six months. Following the reminder, if a return is not made, the District Council is required by law to get this information and an inspector will be sent to any property which has not returned the form to obtain the information, resulting in further costs for the District Council and tax payer.

Failure to return a completed form may mean that your details are not included on the electoral register. People who are not on the register will not be able to vote at parliamentary elections, local elections and referendums. It may also make it difficult for people to obtain credit because credit agencies use the register when they check credit ratings. No one is automatically registered to vote even if they are paying council tax. Anyone who hasn't already confirmed their details or returned their form is being encouraged to do so immediately

Providing all details are unchanged on the form it is quick, simple and free, it also helps the District Council to cut down on administration, saving time and money.  In less than 60 seconds people can confirm their details 24 hours a day by free phone or on the internet.  If there are any changes to the form, you need to add or remove residents then the form should be returned by post.

Darren Whitney, Democratic Services Manager at Stratford-on-Avon District Council says: “It is vital that every household in the district returns a completed electoral registration form as soon as possible. Voting is an opportunity to have your say on important issues which affect your everyday life.  We've had a good response so far, but I'm urging all households who haven't yet replied to their electoral registration forms to respond as soon as possible. Registration is compulsory, as it allows residents to exercise their right to vote.

“Reminder letters are going out next week, and if there is no response after that, canvassers will be sent in person to chase up households.  The District Council has to carry out an annual canvass each year and it is a legal requirement for residents to provide the information requested. If residents do not return their forms or confirm their registration they may find that their names have been removed from the register and will be unable to vote at parish, district, county and general elections. If your name is not on the register of electors you may also experience difficulties obtaining credit or opening a bank account.

“The law requires that we must follow this up but this process costs us money - money that could be spent more effectively on other services. If you have not yet replied, please hunt down the form and get registered as soon as possible.  Of course this cost could have been reduced if residents had returned the forms the first time round when they were sent in August."

For further information please contact the District Council on 01789 260208.

Back ground information 

  1. The annual canvass takes place every autumn and an annual canvass form is sent to every property in Stratford-on-Avon District. The revised electoral register will be published by 1 December 2011.
  2. Around 54,000 forms were sent to District households at the end of August.  If responses have still not been received by October, canvassers will have to visit individual households to check information currently held on the electoral register is correct.
  3. Forms must be completed by law or be liable to a fine of £1,000.
  4. The register is also used by Credit Reference Agencies and if you are not registered you may experience problems obtaining credit such as a mortgage, personal loan or even a mobile phone.
  5. You can only vote if your name appears in the register of electors and you are aged 18 or over on polling day. Any eligible person over the age of 16 can register to vote but must be 18 or over on polling day.
  6. Special provisions to register also apply to members of the UK armed forces serving abroad to allow them to vote. For more information, go to www.aboutmyvote.co.uk
  7. There are two versions of the electoral register – the full and edited registers. Only certain people and organisations can have copies of the full register and can only use it for specified reasons. The edited register can be bought by anyone who asks for it and can be used for any purpose, including direct marketing.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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