Quality assurance scheme for rented homes

This article is 13 years old


Published on 6 December 2011
Archived on 6 January 2012

Stratford-on-Avon District Council together with the Midland Landlord Accreditation Scheme (MLAS) and Act on Energy are inviting private sector landlords, estate agents, letting agents and housing associations to become accredited landlords.

The first Midland Landlord Accreditation training session is to be run on Wednesday 14 December 2011 at the District Council offices from 9.45am to 5pm.

The Landlord Accreditation scheme aims to improve the standards of private rented accommodation and to develop closer working links between the District Council and private landlords, whilst rewarding them for maintaining their properties to certain standards.  The initiative will provide reassurance for prospective tenants and enable them to make informed choices when looking for well managed privately rented accommodation in the District.

Cllr Valerie Hobbs, Enterprise, Housing & Revenues Portfolio says: “It is important in any community that private rented housing is managed professionally. Through the launch of this new scheme, tenants can now be assured that if they take a tenancy with an accredited landlord, their property will be well maintained and will adhere to set criteria". 

“For their part, landlords who work hard to look after their properties and their tenants will have their efforts rewarded and it is encouraging to see landlord groups getting behind this.    This is an excellent opportunity for landlords to promote their properties and service in a way that has never been available before.  Furthermore, the scheme will provide best practice guidance to landlords, as well as a range of other membership benefits, advice and training."

Accredited, landlords will be able to access a range of low cost energy efficiency measures to improve standards of accommodation in a sector that often has lower standards of energy efficiency than the general housing within the district. 

There are still some places available for the training session on Wednesday 14 December if landlords are interested or would like to learn more about the Accreditation Scheme please contact the Private Sector Housing Standards Officer, Pete Chatfield on 01789 260121 or email psht@stratford-dc.gov.uk.

Once landlords have attended the one day course and have been accredited they can apply to receive a package of property improvements, designed to minimise energy consumption, reduce levels of fuel poverty and improve property standards, these include:

  • A free energy efficiency survey and report
  • Up to £150 towards loft and cavity wall insulation at a rented property
  • One free Housing Health and Safety Rating System inspection and advisory report
  • Two hygrometers for tenant use
  • One smart energy meter for tenant use and installation
  • Free advertising of up to three properties every 12 months on 'Home Choice Plus' (the Council's system for advertising to the 4000 households on its waiting list).

In addition to the above, advantages of being a member of the MLAS as an accredited landlord are that the accreditation is recognised by:

  • Local Authorities across the midlands
  • Homestamp consortium of organisations
  • Several educational establishments
  • Other professional bodies associated with letting of houses/flats

5 years membership to the Midland Landlord Accreditation Scheme is a 'one off' fee of £150 which includes the 1 day training.  Landlords will be automatically re-accredited if they continue to be a 'Fit and Proper Person', have complied and continue to comply with the MLAS Code of Conduct and have taken steps to maintain and update their knowledge during the 5 years since accreditation.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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