Destination Steering Group Formation

This article is 12 years old


Published on 17 January 2012
Archived on 17 February 2012

A new Destination Steering Group has been formed to boost the tourism economy for Stratford-on-Avon District.  The new, independent body will comprise representatives from the tourism sector, local government and other organisations with an interest in developing a successful visitor economy for the area.

The first priority of the Destination Steering Group was to secure a new tourism strategy for Stratford District.  At its inaugural meeting on 28 November 2011, the Steering Group ratified a new strategy which has now been endorsed by Stratford-on-Avon District Council at its Cabinet meeting on 16 January. 

Speaking as Chair of the new Steering Group, Lincoln Clarke, Chief Operating Officer at The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, said, “We have been fierce critics of the District Council's approach to tourism in recent times, but we are delighted with their response following lengthy consultation. Now that we have a steering group representing both local government and private sector tourism interests, we are confident we can look forward to working in a joined up way and from a more sustainable and stable base."

The Destination Steering Group has already secured match funding from Stratford-on-Avon District Council for the appointment of a Destination Manager.  Private sector match funding is required before the recruitment process can begin, but the Steering Group hopes to fill the post in March 2012, initially for a 12 month contract period.

Following discussions with the Chief Executive of Visit England, James Beresford, The Destination Steering Group will seek to establish itself as a Destination Management Organisation which is recognised by national and international tourism and government agencies.  Lincoln Clarke said, “Effectively the Group would become a private sector-led, private/public partnership, limited by guarantee.  This would allow us to take advantage of partnership opportunities, and to unlock funding streams as and when government purse strings are loosened."

He added, “We have a great deal of work to do to re-establish Stratford as a top 20 destination, having lost considerable ground over recent years to other UK destinations, but I really feel that we all now understand better the scale of the job to be done and how we might achieve it.  It is vital for the well being and vibrancy of the area and all who live here that our visitor economy, the biggest driver of our local economy, is healthy and growing and we need to manage it in a professional business-like way."

Councillor Valerie Hobbs, Enterprise, Housing & Revenues Portfolio Holder, with responsibility for the tourism portfolio, said, “This is a very positive way forward for tourism in our District and represents true Public/Private Partnership working.  I should very much like to thank everyone who has made this possible and am confident that together we can put Stratford firmly back on the map.  I am delighted to announce that at the recommendation of its Cabinet the Council has become a signatory to the Tourism Strategy."

Nadim Zahawi MP for Stratford-upon-Avon commented, “I am delighted that this group is coming together to promote our fantastic area. The Local Enterprise Partnership is already an example of how a private sector led partnership can deliver real results, and I am sure that this organisation will be just as effective. I will obviously do whatever I can to assist them and wish them the best of luck in this exciting year for tourism."

James Berresford CEO Visit England added, “Shakespeare's Stratford is an iconic world brand and it should be working much harder for the people of Stratford.  I look forward to working more closely with the area in the future and am very supportive of the approach being taken"

Councillor Chris Saint Leader of Stratford-on-Avon District Council said,“It has taken a lot of hard work from our officers and volunteers from the private sector to get us this far and I would like to thank them for their time and commitment.  It has been a tough eighteen months but I really feel that we now have an approach that all stakeholders support and one which is most likely to succeed!"

David Collins, Deputy Chair of the Destination Steering Group and Head of Marketing at the RSC says, “The RSC is delighted to support this new collaborative approach to the tourism strategy for the area. We have some of Britain's best loved cultural and heritage landmarks to offer visitors and it makes absolute sense to join forces to find the most effective means of promoting them and maximising the benefits tourism brings to the local economy."


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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