Planning Notice - 26 April


Published on 26 April 2024
Archived on 25 May 2024


Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Stratford on Avon District Council for Planning Permission for development which affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area or development which affects the setting of a Listed Building and/or Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent in respect of the applications scheduled below:

Application No. (Conservation Area) Details
  • 24/00807/FUL Change of use of Applegarth from HMO (sui generis) to care home (C2) and proposed two storey extension to join Applegarth and Hylands House Care Home at Hylands House, Warwick Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 6YW for Mr Kashif Munir. 
  • 24/00646/FUL Repairs to front entrance porch and alterations to car parking layout with delivery vehicle turning area at Kineton Manor Nursing Home, Manor Lane, Kineton, Warwick CV35 0JT for Mr K Inglefield. 
  • 24/00647/LBC Repairs to front entrance porch at Kineton Manor Nursing Home, Manor Lane, Kineton, Warwick CV35 0JT for Mr K Inglefield. 
  • 24/00753/FUL Conversion of a stone barn into residential accommodation associated with the main house in the curtilage of a listed building at The Old Rectory, Church Road, Ladbroke, Warwickshire CV47 2DF for Regelous Limited. 
  • 24/00746/OUT Outline application with all matters reserved except for access, for the erection of two self-build/custom build dwellings, formation of vehicular accesses from A422 Banbury Road, and all associated works at Land At Cadbold Farmhouse, Pillerton Priors, Warwick CV35 0PQ for Mr and Mrs Weaver. 
  • 24/00687/LBC Change of use of a range of listed barns at Green Farm, Tidmington into 3 holiday lets. Program of sensitive repairs, integration of services and associated landscaping works. Landscaping works will include new stone walls, replacement of existing timber gates and raised flower beds. New services will include solar panels and water source heat pump at Green Farm, Ditchford Road, Tidmington, Warwickshire CV36 5LR for Vanessa and Gerard O'Meara. 
  • 24/00106/OUT UK Independent Premier Football Academy & Training Centre. Erection of a new football training facility and training centre, erection of the 100 bed accommodation building for boarding students; and the creation of an attenuation basin. All matters to be reserved, except for access at Dallas Burston Polo Grounds, Southam Road, Stoneythorpe, Southam, Warwickshire for Geon Lowerco 4 Ltd. 
  • 24/00754/LBC Conversion of a stone barn into residential accommodation associated with the main house in the curtilage of a listed building at The Old Rectory, Church Road, Ladbroke, Warwickshire CV47 2DF for Regelous Limited. 
  • 24/00447/VARY To vary Condition 2 (Approved Plans), 3 (External Design Details) and 15 (Surface water drainage) of Application Number: 23/02237/VARY dated 30.10.2023. To enable minor internal and external alterations to the design of the development and alteration in relation to the timing of the submission of details for conditions 3 and 15 at Former Debenhams And H&M Units 33-35 High Street & Unit 12 Taskers Way, Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6AU for Blue Coast Stratford LLP. 
  • 24/00795/VARY Application Reference Number: 24/00219/FUL Date of Decision: 26/03/2024 Condition Number(s): 2, Conditions(s) Removal: To make amendments to the roof structure to comply with building regulations and make it a usable space. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the attached plans and drawings at Byeways, Main Street, Middle Tysoe, Tysoe, Warwickshire for Annabel Kay. 
  • 24/00875/FUL Proposed Internal Minor Alterations to Ground & First Floor and Reinstating of an original window to the rear at 37 The Square, Clifford Chambers, Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8HT for Mrs Jo Johnson. 
  • 24/00876/LBC Proposed Internal Minor Alterations to Ground & First Floor and Reinstating of an original window to the rear at 37 The Square, Clifford Chambers, Stratford-upon Avon CV37 8HT for Mrs Jo Johnson.
  • 24/00867/LBC Erection of illuminated and non-illuminated signs to the exterior of the building at The Shakespeare, Chapel Street, Welford-on-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 8PX for Stonegate Group. 
  • 24/00748/FUL Link extension to and alterations to existing domestic outbuilding, demolition of gates located adjacent single garage to be demolished, new wall and gates, erection of new garage/outbuilding with pergola, relocated oil tank, and all associated works at Fridays Acre, Redlands Row, Little Compton, Moreton-in-Marsh GL56 0SQ for Mr and Mrs D Wimmer.


Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Stratford on Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below

Application No. Details
  • 24/00768/VARY Variation of conditions 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 13 of planning permission 23/02812/VARY dated 17 January 2024 to increase the number of buildings from one to two. Previous description of development: Variation of conditions 1, 2, 10, 15 and 16 of planning permission 21/03871/VARY dated 6 May 2022 to reduce the number of buildings to one, amend the design and amend details including parking, sewerage and lighting. Original description of development: Removal of condition 5 (restriction on number of burials) of planning permission reference 16/02244/VARY (variation of condition 5 (use of building) and 7 (opening hours)) in relation to application 13/03305/FUL. Original description of development (13/03305/FUL): Change of use of land from agriculture to Natural Burial Ground, demolition of grain store and erection of new reception building, widening of access driveway and creation of parking areas (revised scheme to that approved under 10/01405/FUL) and retrospective consent for the creation of 3.0 metre wide circular track route through the field set aside for use as Natural Burial Ground at Alne Wood Park, Natural Burial Ground, Spernal Lane, Great Alne, Warwickshire B49 6JG for The Heart Of England Forest. 
  • 24/00106/OUT UK Independent Premier Football Academy & Training Centre. Erection of a new football training facility and training centre, erection of the 100 bed accommodation building for boarding students; and the creation of an attenuation basin. All matters to be reserved, except for access at Dallas Burston Polo Grounds, Southam Road, Stoneythorpe, Southam, Warwickshire for Geon Lowerco 4 Ltd.


Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below

Application No. Details
  • 24/00777/TPO -T1 lime - Reduce height from 8 metres to 6 metres. Reduce spread from 7 metres to 5 metres. -T2 lime - Reduce height from 10 metres to 7 metres. Reduce spread from 6 metres to 5 metres. -T3 lime - Reduce height from 10 metres to 7 metres. Reduce spread from 6 metres to 5 metres. -T5 lime - Reduce height from 12 metres to 8 metres. Reduce spread from 9 metres to 7 metres. -T6 lime - Reduce height from 12 metres to 8 metres. Reduce spread from 9 metres to 7 metres. Remove all significant deadwood over 50mm diameter and 0.5 metres long at STREET RECORD Edmonds Close, Upper Quinton for Mr Malcolm Rouse. 

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 25/04/2024