Stratford District’s Core Strategy out for consultation

This article is 12 years old


Published on 7 February 2012
Archived on 7 March 2012

Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Cabinet has recommended that the Draft Core Strategy 2012 (Local Plan) be approved for public consultation subject to additional amendments agreed at the meeting yesterday, Monday 6 February.

The publication of this document will now be followed by a full public consultation for six weeks, planned to start on Thursday 16 February and ending on Friday 30 March 2012.

Cllr Chris Saint, Leader of Stratford District Council says: “The Core Strategy will help inform whether the balance of need for new homes, employment provision and the scale of development has been adequately addressed and sets out the direction for development over the next 20 years.  This document will have a huge impact on the future of Stratford-on-Avon District so it is important that people give their views and help to shape the future of their area.

“The Cabinet has made some amendments including extra protection to the landscape from wind farms; we've added the opportunity to use energy from waste schemes; recognised neighbourhood plans to support local development; expect developers to provide an element of affordable housing on developments of 5 or more and we've extended Local Choice Housing to all settlements.

“The Council needs this document in place so that Councillors representing the views of local people are able to make planning decisions based on up-to-date policies.  Therefore, it's vitally important that everyone is encouraged to share their views on the proposals.  At the end of the consultation period, all comments will be given careful consideration to help ensure we have the appropriate type and level of housing and employment for Stratford District in future years."

To get involved in the public consultation, copies of the Draft Core Strategy 2012 will be available online at and there is an online response form available to use. Alternatively, CD versions and hard copies of the document can be obtained from the Policy Team, Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6HX. There will be a cost price charge for hard copies.

Written consultation responses can also be sent to the above postal address or emailed to the Policy Team using

Alternatively you can visit one of the scheduled public consultation events which will be advertised in the local press, in public libraries, on Parish Council notice boards and online at

This decision is still subject to call-in.

Stratford District Council needs to have an up to date development plan in place to help guide development to the right place and provide a policy framework for all decisions on planning applications.

Once adopted, the Core Strategy is the key piece of policy documentation that will replace the Local Plan Review policies still in force and set the District wide direction for all future development until 2028.  In the meantime, it will be a material consideration when determining planning applications.

The District Council proposes to develop 8,000 homes over the plan period 2008-2028.

Key policy preferences include:

  • New housing to be dispersed across the District;
  • Strong growth of affordable family homes;
  • Encourage building to cover the deficit of three bedroom housing;
  • Preserve the character of settlements;
  • Provide for extra care accommodation;
  • Maximum estate size of 100 homes, but aim for small developments, especially in rural settlements;
  • Re-use brown field sites, in preference to new green field sites and
  • Review policy of redundant rural buildings.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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