Save the Alex - meeting with health minister Dr Dan Poulter

This article is 12 years old


Published on 14 November 2012
Archived on 14 December 2012

Here is a joint statement following a meeting with health minister Dr Dan Poulter yesterday, Tuesday 13 November – issued on behalf of the group.

The meeting was organised by Redditch MP Karen Lumley and attended by save the Alex campaigners Neal Stote, Laney Walsh, Redditch Borough Council leader Cllr Bill Hartnett, Bromsgrove District Council leader Cllr Roger Hollingworth, Stratford District Council leader Cllr Chris Saint and Redditch Standard editor Ian Dipple, Redditch MP Karen Lumley and Stratford MP Nadhim Zahawi – photos attached.

A joint statement from the group said: "Following a positive meeting with the minister we are encouraged by his response. He recognises the need for a safe, sustainable solution which benefits the 200,000 plus people currently served by the Alexandra Hospital. We understand commissioners are currently investigating an alternative solution with other healthcare providers to the current proposals from the JSR which will retain the vast majority of services. This plan has cross-party, cross boundary and campaign support which will ensure safe, sustainable services at the Alex for the long-term finally ending years of uncertainty for staff and patients. The minister has also accepted an invitation to visit the Alex in January, organised by Bromsgrove MP Sajid Javid, and we look forward to welcoming him and further pressing the case. It is widely recognised by all concerned that whatever the solution we need a speedy decision to address the ongoing issues of low staff morale, retention, recruitment, clinical safety and to restore patient confidence. We believe the minister understands this and we will continue to work together to deliver the best possible outcome for patients."

In a joint statement Coun Bill Hartnett, leader of Redditch Borough Council, Coun Roger Hollingworth, leader of Bromsgrove District Council and Coun Chris Saint, leader of Stratford District Council, said: "We feel the meeting was extremely positive and we are confident of a good outcome for our communities."

Neal Stote, head of the Save the Alex Campaign, said: "It was a productive and positive meeting and I am encouraged the minister will actually be taking the time to visit the hospital in January. We have a come a long way since June the 14th and hope the final outcome will be far more positive than the JSR originally proposed which could have seen our hospital closed."

Redditch MP Karen Lumley said: "I am very encouraged by the minister's positive response, this is a cross party campaign which believes that a safe sustainable solutions at the Alex is vital. Importantly the minister recognised the need for a speedy solution, something which is needed to address issues for providing good quality, long-term clinical care."

Stratford MP Nadhim Zahawi said: "I feel we have demonstrated this is cross party, and all three district councils and all three MPs are behind the plan it's a good plan and needs speedy implementation."

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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