Councils foil fraudster

This article is 12 years old


Published on 20 December 2012
Archived on 20 January 2013

Stratford-on-Avon District Council in a joint operation with Stroud District Council has prosecuted Paul Barron Bailey for fraudulently claiming over £4,000 in Housing Benefit.

On 13 December Leamington Spa Magistrates heard how Paul Barron Bailey (54) now living in Burleigh, Stroud pleaded guilty to three charges of Housing Benefit fraud against Stratford-on-Avon District Council and Stroud District Council. 

The Councils joined forces in a joint investigation to discover the full extent of Bailey's activities.  It was discovered that Bailey had obtained £4,075.11 Housing Benefit, a combined amount paid by both Authorities, which had been obtained falsely.  Bailey made claims for Housing Benefit from addresses that he had not actually been living at and the offences came to light following internal procedures which identified the fraud.

When challenged, Bailey admitted the offences and was committed to Court where a 12-month Community Order with supervision was imposed, and was also ordered to pay £200 in prosecution costs.  In handing down the sentence, Magistrates impressed upon the offender that Fraud is a serious matter.

Bailey has already paid over half the falsely obtained benefits back, and the Authorities continue to recover the outstanding amount until full repayment is made.

Cllr Maurice Howse, Enterprise, Housing and Revenues Portfolio for Stratford District Council says: “Both Councils are committed to ensuring benefits are only paid to those people entitled to them and will take all necessary steps to investigate cases where benefit fraud is suspected and, if proven, prosecute the perpetrators.  This is why it is important anyone whose circumstances change inform us straight away. We can then check and make sure they continue to receive the money they are entitled to."

In the current financial climate, more and more people are tempted to take chances with the benefit system and claim for help that they know they shouldn't receive.  If you know or suspect that someone is cheating the benefit system Stratford District Council has a dedicated and confidential Counter-Fraud Hotline, 01789 260486, which can be used to help the Council in tackling fraud in the District. Call in confidence and play your part in saving valuable funds.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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