Stratford’s - Your Town, Your Choice Successful Night

This article is 11 years old


Published on 16 July 2013
Archived on 16 August 2013

Police and council officials have been quick to praise the good behaviour of people in Stratford town centre on Saturday during one of the busiest nights of the year.

They led the Stratford – Your Town, Your Choice event, a community campaign aimed at preventing disorder and reducing incidents of violence.

Sergeant Rich Thomas, in charge of the policing side of the operation, said:  “There was not a single incident of violence on what in past years has been a peak weekend for trouble in the town centre."

He said the hot weather had brought people out and the town had been busy during the early evening with steady activity continuing through to the early hours of Sunday.

“We had a good rapport with some excellent positive feedback from the public.  People deserve to be praised for the way they behaved.  It just makes total sense for everyone to have a good time through staying safe and avoiding instigating or becoming involved in violence".

Councillor Gill Roache, Stratford District Council's portfolio holder for Community Safety, Health & Wellbeing, said:  “The Your Town, Your Choice initiative and the fine weather gave a perfect opportunity for us and the other agencies involved to engage with young people, giving advice on staying safe while out and about.  The revellers shared their suggestions too". 

The top five tips for a safe night out, were:

  • Stay with your friends and look after them.
  • Keep an eye on your drink, never leave it unattended.
  • Know your limits and drink water in between drinks.
  • Make sure your mobile phone is charged and has credit.
  • Carry the number of a licensed taxi company, don't walk home alone or in dark or remote areas.

The overall level of crime and anti-social behaviour in the district is relatively low but Stratford town centre has the district's highest level.  Most offences are alcohol-related and young people aged 16 to 25 are usually the victims and perpetrators.

Sergeant Thomas, who runs the town's Safer Neighbourhood Police Team, said recent months had seen a 22 per cent reduction in violent crime and everyone involved with Stratford – Your Town, Your Choice, wanted to maintain the improvement.

The event was run by Warwickshire police and Stratford District Council with support from Bardwatch, StratForward Town Hosts, Street Pastors, The Recovery Partnership, Warwickshire County Council, Stratford CCTV and Warwickshire Fire and Rescue.

During the evening, Greenhill Street was closed off and a drink drive simulator and alcohol time machine, were demonstrated and well received.  The fire service also displayed a wrecked car to demonstrate the effects of drink-driving and showed an educational film.

Police officers worked with Trading Standards and the district council's licensing team carrying out licence checks and drug swabbing.  Officers also remained on patrol until 4am.

Sergeant Thomas added: “All in all, it was a very successful evening without any arrests and without a single act of violence.  We want to keep our town safe for people to enjoy the night-time economy and we hope to stage further Your Town, Your Choice events in the future."

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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