Stratford – Your Town Your Choice, Helps Cut Violent Crime

This article is 11 years old


Published on 5 July 2013
Archived on 5 August 2013

A community campaign aimed at preventing disorder in Stratford, is helping reduce incidents of violence in the town centre.

The multi-agency “Stratford – Your Town, Your Choice" campaign urges people enjoying a night out in the town to drink sensibly, stay safe and to keep out of trouble.

Warwickshire Police and Stratford District Council, who are leading the campaign working alongside a host of partners, say the initiative has made a real difference in preventing and reducing violent incidents, especially during busy weekend peak times.

Stratford's latest Your Town, Your Choice action day is being staged on Saturday, 13 July when the partners will engage with people attending pubs, clubs and restaurants in the town, promoting awareness surrounding violence, anti-social behaviour and responsible drinking.

Sergeant Richard Thomas, who runs the Safer Neighbourhood Team for Stratford, Southam and Wellesbourne, said it was the third Your Town, Your Choice event to be staged as part of the ongoing initiative to reduce night-time disorder in Stratford.

“The overall level of crime and anti-social behaviour in the district is relatively low but Stratford town centre has the district's highest level.  Most offences are alcohol-related and young people aged 16 to 25 are usually the victims and perpetrators.

“However, it's pleasing to note there has been a 22 per cent reduction in violent crime in recent months.  Assaults have dropped from 45 offences during February to April 2012, to 35 for the same period this year.

“We are striving to reduce this figure further and working with our partners to put across key messages to those who are out and about in the evenings. Your Town, Your Choice is having a positive impact and it's likely we will continue with further action days in the future."

Karin Stanley, Community Safety Manager for Stratford-on-Avon District Council said: “Reducing alcohol related crime and anti-social behaviour in the town centre is one of the Community Safety Partnership's priorities for 2013/14".

Greenhill Street, Arden Street and the Bancroft area are the main hotspots for violent and nuisance behaviour, especially during the summer months.

Your Town, Your Choice is supported by Bardwatch, StratForward Town Hosts, Stratford District Council, Street Pastors, The Recovery Partnership, Warwickshire County Council, Warwickshire Fire & Rescue and Warwickshire Police.

It will tackle issues on three levels – education and engagement, prevention and effective enforcement.

Measures will include a road closure into Greenhill Street, the main area for late-night entertainment, from 6pm to midnight.  A crashed car to demonstrate the impact of drink driving, a drink drive simulator and a “drinking time machine" showing the visual effects of long-term drinking, will be on display during the evening..

Goody bags will be distributed complete with going out and staying safe messages to encourage dialogue with Stratford's clubbing community and also to remind potential troublemakers of the police presence in the area.  A dispersal zone will be in operation and officers will be on hand to see it is adhered to.

Councillor Gill Roache, Community Safety, Health & Wellbeing Portfolio Holder for Stratford District Council, said:Positive outcomes from the event could result in future benefits for residents, tourists and retailers, and better health for individuals. All agencies working together makes perfect sense, as they all add benefits to the Community Safety and Health and Wellbeing Agenda."

Sergeant Thomas added: “Although the Your Town, Your Choice night of action alone cannot resolve all issues, it will raise awareness about the risks of being a perpetrator or victim of crime through excessive alcohol consumption.

“Stratford is a lovely town to be enjoyed by all and we will not tolerate violence or trouble.  Don't cause it and don't get involved.  If possible, walk away from confrontational situations.  Exercise self-control and do not drink to the point where you lose control". 

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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