Don’t be caught out when you give your waste to the scrap collectors

This article is 11 years old


Published on 15 August 2013
Archived on 15 September 2013

Stratford-on-Avon District Council is warning residents that there are currently a number of scrap collectors driving around the District, knocking on people's doors and offering to collect and dispose of unwanted items.

In recent weeks, the District Council has investigated two separate occasions where general household waste including packaging, furniture and personal paperwork, originating from properties in the District, ended up being dumped or 'fly tipped' on the roadside in the Sambourne and Salford Priors areas.

Two local residents have been interviewed in relation to these incidents and on both occasions they had given their waste to a third party believing that it was going to be disposed of in a legal and responsible way.

Cllr Lynda Organ, Technical Services Portfolio says: “Fly-tipping is a selfish act that spoils the countryside for everyone else and council tax money is being wasted on the cost of clearing this stuff up. Fortunately most people are decent enough to not even consider committing this crime, but it's also important to exercise vigilance when someone is offering to dispose of rubbish on your behalf. We are asking for the public to help prevent fly-tipping by only using legitimate companies. We will pursue anyone fly tipping, but householders also have a duty to ensure that anyone taking waste from their homes is properly licensed to carry out this work.  If, like it was in this case, they turn out not to be legitimate then unfortunately it could be the householders ending up with a summons and facing a fine of up to £50,000 or even 12 months in prison."

On this occasion the residents were both given an official warning.

To check if someone is a registered waste carrier, all you need to do is ask to see their Waste Carrier's License. If they cannot produce it, do not allow them to take your waste. You can also check to see if they are a registered waste carrier, by looking on the Environment Agency's public register at

Residents have a key role in preventing fly tipping from happening and may be liable for a fine if fly tipped rubbish is shown to have originated from them. By only using licensed waste carriers and asking for a receipt for any services provided, you can be sure that your waste ends up in the right place.

If you have any queries or have any information about unlicensed waste collection or fly tipping please email or call 01789 260616.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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